Dr Simon Rodway
BA, PhD (Cymru)

Senior Lecturer
Department of Welsh and Celtic Studies
Contact Details
- Email: syr@aber.ac.uk
- Office: 2.42, Parry - Williams Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622285
- Research Portal Profile
Born in Edinburgh, he studied for a degree in Celtic Studies and a PhD in Middle Welsh in Aberystwyth. After a period at the National University of Ireland, Galway, he returned to Aberystwyth as a lecturer in 2003.
Additional Information
Editor of Journal of Celtic Linguistics.
Module Coordinator
- IRM0320 - Comparative Celtic Philology
- WEM0520 - Early Medieval Welsh Poetry
- IRM0120 - Old Irish for Beginners
- WEM0120 - Comparative Celtic Literature
- IR21820 - Old Irish (Language + Literature) 1+2
- IRM0220 - Medieval Saga Literature of Ireland
- CY22320 - Cymraeg Ddoe a Heddiw: cyflwyniad i ieithyddiaeth
- CY32320 - Cymraeg Ddoe a Heddiw: Cyflwyniad i ieithyddiaeth
- IR33220 - Comparative Celtic Philology
- GC21820 - Cyflwyniad i Hen Wyddeleg
- IR11920 - Introduction to Old Irish
- GC21820 - Cyflwyniad i Hen Wyddeleg
- IRM0120 - Old Irish for Beginners
- WEM0520 - Early Medieval Welsh Poetry
- WEM0120 - Comparative Celtic Literature
- IRM0220 - Medieval Saga Literature of Ireland
- IRM0320 - Comparative Celtic Philology
- IR21820 - Old Irish (Language + Literature) 1+2
- CY22320 - Cymraeg Ddoe a Heddiw: cyflwyniad i ieithyddiaeth
- CY32320 - Cymraeg Ddoe a Heddiw: Cyflwyniad i ieithyddiaeth
- IR33220 - Comparative Celtic Philology
- IR11920 - Introduction to Old Irish
Middle Welsh, medieval Welsh manuscripts, Old and Middle Irish, Celtic philology.
Rodway, S & Lewis, B 2022, John Scottus Eriugena and Celtica eloquentia. in S Rodway, J Rowland & E Poppe (eds), Celts, Gaels, and Britons: Studies in Language and Literature from Antiquity to the Middle Ages in Honour of Patrick Sims-Williams: A Festschrift for Patrick Sims-Williams. Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 1-22.
Rodway, S 2022, 'The Other 300' History Today, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 100-101. <https://www.historytoday.com/archive/review/other-300>
Rodway, S 2022, What Did Medieval Welsh Poets Do at Weddings? A Re-examination of the Cyfarws Neithior. in SE Roberts, S Rodway & A Falileyev (eds), Cyfarwydd mewn Cyfraith: Studies in Honour of Morfydd E. Owen. vol. 17, Cymdeithas Hanes Cyfraith Cymru, Bangor, pp. 124-41.
Rodway, S 2020, 'Awen yr Ymadawedig: Dau Gyfeiriad ym Marddoniaeth Wiliam Llyn', Dwned, vol. 25, pp. 79-89.
Rodway, S 2020, 'The Ogham Inscriptions of Scotland and Brittonic Pictish', Journal of Celtic Linguistics, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 173-234. 10.16922/jcl.21.6
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