Dr Cathryn Charnell-White
BA (Cymru) PhD (Cymru)

Department of Welsh and Celtic Studies
Contact Details
- Email: ctc@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0009-0002-9378-1223
- Office: 1.50, Parry - Williams Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622851
- Twitter: @CathrynChW
- Research Portal Profile
- Personal Pronouns: she / her
Welsh-language Research Lead (School of Languages and Literature; 2023-) and Chair of Staff Student Consultative Committee (2023-); Head of Department (2013-23); Departmental Director of Research (2014-21); Equalities Champion (2018-20) & Aber Enfys Ally (2017-); University Senate (2019-23); Standing Student Disciplinary Panel (2019-)
I contribute to language and literature modules for beginners, intermediate and fluent speakers across all undergraduate and postgraduate schemes in the department. I have also developed modules in my own areas of expertise encompassing modern and contemporary literature as well as the literary culture of the early modern period (1500–1800):
- Traddodiad Benywaidd? Merched a Barddoniaeth yng Nghymru cyn 1800 (A Female Tradition? Women and Poetry in Wales before 1800)
- Y Golygydd a Diwydiant Cyhoeddi Cymru (The Editor and Wales’s Publishing Industry).
- Testunau'r Enfys: Llunio Profiadau LHDT+ (Rainbow-coloured Texts: constructing LGBT+ experiences; co-delivered with colleagues from TFTS).
- Women’s Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400–1800.
My research into early modern and contemporary literature includes critical evaluation, editorial scholarship, and literary translation in the following intersecting areas:
- Women’s literature and literary culture: Honno’s Welsh-language Classics; women’s poetry in a Welsh and pan-Celtic context.
- Literary negotiations of identity: gender, self-identity, regional and national identity, and Britishness in a ‘four nations’ context.
- Literary culture: networks and the burgeoning public sphere in eighteenth-century Wales and beyond.
- Environmental Humanities / Ecocriticism: weather literature and historical meteorology.
- Eschatology: literary negotiations of death and dying.
Publications on women’s literature include the first comprehensive anthology of Welsh-language women’s poetry up to 1800, Beirdd Ceridwen (2005) and new editions of forgotten works by women in Honno’s Welsh Classics series, e.g. Pererinion & Storïau Hen Ferch (2008). Work in progress includes edited texts, translations, notes and critical evaluation for an anthology (CUP, 2025) and critical companion (CUP, 2026) that will present work undertaken for the Leverhulme-funded project ‘Women’s Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400–1800’ (2013–17). I have written about identity and literary culture more broadly in Bardic Circles (2007), Welsh Poetry of the French Revolution (2012), ‘Networking the nation…’ (2013), ‘Perfformio’r genedl…’ (2017) and ‘Brawdgarwch cenedlgarol…’ (2020). A handful of articles, listed below, engage with weather literature, and I am currently completing an anthology of Welsh-language weather literature for Cyhoeddiadau Barddas, Trysorfa’r Tywydd (2025).
I am a member of the QAA's reviewer pool (2024-). Peer review includes the AHRC’s Peer Review College (2017–21), Gwerddon (Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol), University of Wales Press, WelshCrucible (2019-) and The Huntingdon Library Journal.
Additional Information
I am a member of the following societies: Yr Academi Gymreig (Literature Wales); Women's Archive Wales; ASLE-UKI (Association for the Study of Literature and Environment-UK); Barddas; BSECS (British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies); Cymdeithas Astudiaethau'r Gymraeg, Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd.
I knit and play violin in my spare time, and some of you will get to know me through the University's orchestra, Philomusica.
Module Coordinator
- GC11820 - Cymru a'r Celtiaid
- WE11420 - Introduction to Welsh Literature
- CY13120 - Sgiliau Astudio Iaith a Llên
- WEM4220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400 - 1800
- CY24220 - Traddodiad benywaidd? Merched a Barddoniaeth yng Nghymru 1400-1800
- WE34220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400-1800
- CY26120 - Y Golygydd a Diwydiant Cyhoeddi Cymru
- CY36120 - Y Golygydd a Diwydiant Cyhoeddi Cymru
- WE24220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400-1800
- CY34220 - Traddodiad Benywaidd? Merched a Barddoniaeth 1400-1800
- WEM4220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400 - 1800
- GC11820 - Cymru a'r Celtiaid
- WE11420 - Introduction to Welsh Literature
- CY24220 - Traddodiad benywaidd? Merched a Barddoniaeth yng Nghymru 1400-1800
- CY34220 - Traddodiad Benywaidd? Merched a Barddoniaeth 1400-1800
- CY26120 - Y Golygydd a Diwydiant Cyhoeddi Cymru
- CY36120 - Y Golygydd a Diwydiant Cyhoeddi Cymru
- WE34220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400-1800
- WE24220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400-1800
- CY13120 - Sgiliau Astudio Iaith a Llên
- PGM0210 - Principles of Research Design
- GC11820 - Cymru a'r Celtiaid
- IR11820 - The Celts: A Contested Legacy
- CY36040 - Traethawd Estynedig
- CY12720 - Cyflwyniad i Gymraeg Proffesiynol
- CY13120 - Sgiliau Astudio Iaith a Llên
- CY13020 - Cymraeg Llafar
- WE11220 - Beginning Modern Welsh 1
- CYM6210 - Uwch Sgilau Golygu
- WEM0460 - Dissertation: Welsh and Celtic Studies
- CYM5720 - Meistroli Mynegiant yn y Gweithle Proffesiynol
I contribute to language and literature modules for beginners, intermediate and fluent speakers across all undergraduate and postgraduate schemes in the department: Sgiliau Astudio; An Introduction to Welsh Literature; Ysgrifennu Cymraeg Graenus; Cymraeg y Gweithle Proffesiynol, Y Gymraeg yn y Gweithle; Bro a Bywyd; Traethawd Estynedig; Prosiect Hir.
I have also developed modules in my own areas of expertise encompassing modern and contemporary literature as well as the literary culture of the early modern period (1500–1800):
- Traddodiad Benywaidd? Merched a Barddoniaeth yng Nghymru cyn 1800 (A Female Tradition? Women and Poetry in Wales before 1800)
- Y Golygydd a Diwydiant Cyhoeddi Cymru (The Editor and Wales’s Publishing Industry).
- Testunau'r Enfys: Llunio Profiadau LHDT+ (Rainbow-coloured Texts: constructing LGBT+ experiences; co-delivered with colleagues from TFTS).
- Women’s Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400–1800.
My research into early modern and contemporary literature includes critical evaluation, editorial scholarship, and literary translation in the following intersecting areas:
- Women’s literature and literary culture: Honno’s Welsh-language Classics; women’s poetry in a Welsh and pan-Celtic context.
- Literary negotiations of identity: gender, self-identity, regional and national identity, and Britishness in a ‘four nations’ context.
- Literary culture: networks and the burgeoning public sphere in eighteenth-century Wales and beyond.
- Environmental Humanities / Ecocriticism: weather literature and historical meteorology.
- Eschatology: literary negotiations of death and dying.
Publications on women’s literature include the first comprehensive anthology of Welsh-language women’s poetry up to 1800, Beirdd Ceridwen (2005) and new editions of forgotten works by women in Honno’s Welsh Classics series, e.g. Pererinion & Storïau Hen Ferch (2008). Work in progress includes edited texts, translations, notes and critical evaluation for an anthology (CUP, 2023) and critical companion (CUP, 2024) that will present work undertaken for the Leverhulme-funded project ‘Women’s Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400–1800’ (2013–17). I have written about identity and literary culture more broadly in Bardic Circles (2007), Welsh Poetry of the French Revolution (2012), ‘Networking the nation…’ (2013), ‘Perfformio’r genedl…’ (2017) and ‘Brawdgarwch cenedlgarol…’ (2020). A handful of articles, listed below, engage with weather literature, and I am currently completing an anthology of Welsh-language weather literature for Cyhoeddiadau Barddas, Trysorfa’r Tywydd (2024).
Peer review includes the AHRC’s Peer Review College (2017–21), Gwerddon (Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol), University of Wales Press, WelshCrucible (2019-) and The Huntingdon Library Journal.
Literature Wales, Chair (2021-) and Director (2019-)
External Examiner, Ysgol y Gymraeg / School of Welsh, Cardiff University (2019-23)
Books Council of Wales, Council and Management Board, (2015-21)
Honno Welsh Women's Press, Management Board (2003-) & Co-editor of Honno Welsh Classics Series (2008-)
Treasurer, Adran Diwylliant y 18-19g (University of Wales Guild of Graduates; 2002-)
I am a member of the following societies: Archif Menywod Cymru; ASLE-UKI (Association for the Study of Literature and Environment-UK); Barddas; BSECS (British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies); Cymdeithas Astudiaethau'r Gymraeg, Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd.