Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Attendance Monitoring
Please see the Authorised Absence page for details:
Aberystwyth University is required to monitor your engagement and attendance as part of our responsibility to ensure students sponsored on a Student Visa are actively studying.
As a student of Aberystwyth University, you are required to engage with your course fully. Failure to engage with your studies as laid out in the Engagement policy may result in the exclusion of a student from the University, withdrawal of sponsorship and cancellation of their visa.
If you are contacted by your Dept. or the Compliance Office regarding your levels of engagement you must respond to account for any absence or lack of engagement. If you are required to provide medical evidence or proof as part of an investigation into you attendance record you must supply this.
If you would like to write up your Master’s dissertation from your home country you will need to request approval from your department. Your department will only approve the request if you have attended all required teaching sessions, have completed all required laboratory work and have discussed with your supervisor how supervision can be delivered remotely.
If approval is given, you will need to inform the Compliance Office.The University will withdraw sponsorship and your visa will be cancelled. You will remain a student until the end of your registration.
**You will not be able to return to the UK on your Student visa once sponsorship has been withdrawn. This also means that you will not be eligible to apply for a Graduate Route Visa.
**You should check the terms of any loan/scholarship you may be in receipt of to ensure you comply with those conditions.
If you wish to write up from home, you will first need to discuss this with your supervisor/s and receive their approval. Once approval has been sought, you will be required to inform the Compliance office in advance of you leaving, and will be required to supply a copy of your flight details (electronic booking confirmation will suffice). The University will be required to report this change to the Home Office and withdraw our sponsorship of your Student visa. As a result your visa will be withdrawn and if you need to re-enter the country e.g. for your viva voce, you will need to apply for/obtain a Visit visa.
Please note that you can only return Home to write up when you are in your ‘Abeyance’ / Writing Up period. Students who choose to Write up from Home will not be eligible to apply for a Graduate Route Visa.
After you submit your theses, you will still be required to meet your attendance and engagement monitoring responsibilities. You will continue to meet with your supervisor on a monthly basis to discuss preparations for your viva voce and submit reports of that engagement.
If you do not wish to remain in Aberystwyth after you submit, you can return Home (as long as you are within your abeyance period) but you will first need to discuss this with your supervisor/s and receive their approval. Once approval has been sought, you will be required to inform the Compliance Office in advance of you leaving and will be required to supply a copy of your flight details (electronic booking confirmation will suffice). The University will be required to report this change to the Home Office and withdraw our sponsorship of your Student visa. As a result, your visa will be cancelled and if you need to re-enter the country e.g. for your viva voce, you will need to apply for/obtain a Visit visa to do so.
Please note that Students who choose to write up from home are not eligible to apply for a Graduate Route Visa as this route requires that live student visa sponsorship is held.
If you are awarded your degree prior to the course end date stated on your CAS, then the University is required to report the early course completion to the Home Office and withdraw sponsorship of your visa.
Once the report has been made, you will be notified by UK Visas and Immigration of the date by which you must leave the UK.
Please see the UKCISA website for information about immigration permission end dates and confirmation of how long this wrap up period should be:
Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)
A Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) is a unique reference number that your university sponsor* obtains from UK Visas and Immigration to enable you to apply for a Student visa.
*Note this ‘sponsor’ refers to the sponsoring of your application for a student visa and is not the same as financial sponsorship.
A CAS is required for you to be able to apply for a visa to study in the UK for periods over 6 months.
When you have provided evidence that you have met all the conditions stipulated by the University on your conditional offer letter you will be provided with a draft CAS by email. You will be required to confirm in writing (by email) that the details outlined are correct or inform the University of any errors. If any errors are found they will be amended and you will be provided with another draft.
Once you have confirmed the details on the CAS are correct your CAS will be assigned and the Home Office will then issue a CAS number for you to the University and the University will provide you with the details.
Applicants - Email:
Renewals and Extensions for current AU students - Email:
A CAS is valid for 6 months from the date it is assigned and will automatically expire if it is not used within 6 months of being created.
Contact Details
Your Home address is the address at which you are staying in your Home Country. As a Student visa holder, your Home address cannot be an address based in the UK.
Please note that the Compliance Office is automatically informed of any changes you make to your Student Record. In case of any issues with the details you provide you may be contacted by the Compliance Office to provide clarification.
Your Term address is the address at which you are staying while you study at Aberystwyth University. Your Term address must be an address in Aberystwyth or within close proximity of Aberystwyth.
Please note that the Compliance Office is automatically informed of any changes you make to your Student Record. In case of any issues with the details you provide you may be contacted by the Compliance Office to provide clarification.
The University is required to keep up to date contact details for you including your
- Home Address
- Term time Address
- Personal Email Address
- Contact telephone number
As well as keeping the University informed if these details change, you must also inform the Home Office.
Extending and Renewing Visa
Information about extending your visa is available from the Visa Support & Advice Service.
Alternatively you can contact the International Student Advisor
Information about renewing your visa is available from the Visa Support & Advice Service.
Alternatively you can contact the International Student Advisor
Undergraduate and postgraduate students who successfully complete their course may be able to apply for a Graduate Visa. The Compliance team will report that you have successfully completed your course to the UKVI once University systems have been updated. Please note there may be a delay between when students are formally notified of their results and internal systems being updated. You will receive a notification email from the Compliance team confirming they have reported your course completion to the UKVI.
Confirmation that the report to the UKVI has been made does not mean that a visa will be granted, the UKVI will assess each application for a Graduate Route Visa on its own merits and by its own criteria.
You must only apply for this visa if you do not intend to continue your studies at a University in the UK. If you apply and are granted a Graduate Visa you cannot study or be enrolled at a UK University.
The International Student Advisor can help you with your application.
For further information please visit:
Students Pre-enrolment Document Check
As a new student at Aberystwyth University (or a returning student with a new visa) you will be required to attend a Document Check appointment prior to your registration. This session is compulsory for every Student who holds a Student visa.
After arriving in Aberystwyth and before being able to register for your course you must:
- Upload your visa documents via the student portal. (You will be sent regular reminders to do this).
- Student Visa Students will also need to book an appointment to see the Compliance Team in person.
During this pre-enrolment check, you are required to bring with you the following original document/s:
- A print out of your flight details (your confirmation email or ticket)
- Passport
- BRP (if applicable)
- English Language certificate (if applicable)
- Academic qualifications
- Entry clearance letter
- ATAS certificate (if applicable)
Please note that you will not be able to register for your courses unless you have provided us with the above document/s and met with the Compliance Team.
If you decide to take a break from your studies and you intend to return to your studies at Aberystwyth University at a later stage, then, you must complete the online ‘Notification of Withdrawal’ form requesting a Temporary Withdrawal. This can be found on your Student Record under the title ‘Academic Record’. Please remember that you are required to comply with all the procedures and policies that Aberystwyth University has in place to protect its Student Sponsor status.
Please ensure that you contact academic department regarding the academic implications of your decision and the International Student Advisor ( regarding the visa implications of a possible withdrawal before making the final decision and before completing the online Notification of Withdrawal form.
Please note that once you have submitted the online ‘Notification of Withdrawal’ form you have 3 days to cancel your withdrawal request.
When your withdrawal is confirmed we will withdraw sponsorship of your isa and notify the Home Office. This means that your visa will be cancelled and you must leave the UK as soon as possible. If you fail to do so, you could be risking becoming an overstayer. Overstaying is a criminal offence and can have serious implications for any future immigration applications you make in the UK and in other countries.
If you are not in the UK when you decide to temporarily withdraw, please note you will not be able to enter the UK.
When you decide to return to your studies, you will need to apply for a new Visa and you will need a new Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS). Please contact the International Student Advisor ( at least 3 months prior to returning to your studies to request a CAS.
If you have decided not to continue your studies at Aberystwyth University, you must complete an online ‘Notification of Withdrawal’ form. This can be found on your Student Record under the title ‘Academic Record’.
Please ensure that before making the final decision about discontinuing your studies and before completing the online Notification of Withdrawal form you have contacted your academic department and the International Student Advisor ( regarding the implications on your visa of a possible withdrawal.
Please note that once you have submitted the online ‘Notification of Withdrawal’ form you have 3 days to cancel your withdrawal request.
When your withdrawal is confirmed we will withdraw sponsorship of your visa and notify the Home Office. This means that your visa will be cancelled and you must leave the UK as soon as possible. If you fail to do so, you could be risking becoming an overstayer. Overstaying is a criminal offence and can have serious implications for any future immigration applications you make in the UK and in other countries.
If you have decided to study (transfer) in the UK, you will need to provide us with details of your new university. If you are transferring to another institution, we are required to notify the UKVI of this in our report.
Working while studying
You will need to check your visa (vignette/BRP/eVisa) in order to see what your rights are to work in the UK. Employers have a legal obligation to check your right to work and you will need to provide evidence in the form of your visa. You will also need to provide your employer with information regarding term dates and vacation periods in order for them to know whether you can work part-time (term time) or full-time (vacation periods).
Please note that employers have a legal obligation to check that you are allowed to work in the UK and you must be able to provide them with evidence of this by showing them your visa. You must also provide your employer with information regarding term and vacation dates for your course in order for your employer to know when you can work part-time (term-time) or full-time (vacation period). This information must be in one of the following formats:
- A printout from the university’s website showing the term and vacation dates for your course (this information can be found on the following link:
- A copy letter or e-mail from the university confirming your term and vacation dates (please contact the International Student Advisor at to request it);
Please note that the Home Office has published guidance about the checks that employers must make and where they should go to check a person’s entitlement to work; this guidance can be seen on the following link:
If you are studying at degree level then during term-time, the maximum amount of part-time work you may be able to undertake is up to 20 hours per week provided that this is stated on your visa. It is important that you are aware of the term dates and vacation periods of your study. You can work full-time during vacation periods and you can see the vacation periods for undergraduate students at Aberystwyth University on the following link:
If you are studying towards a Postgraduate Taught course during term-time, the maximum amount of part-time work you can do is up to 20 hours per week provided that this is stated on your visa. It is important that you are aware of the term dates and vacation periods of your study. Students starting Masters courses in January will have a different course structure to the one outlined below. Please check with the Compliance team for details of your term times.
Please note that during the months from June to September you are working on your dissertation, this is not a vacation period for you as you are studying full-time during those months, and are therefore limited to working part-time as stated on your visa until you have submitted your dissertation and no longer have any pending academic commitments. You cannot work full time while writing up your dissertation and you must be living in Aberystwyth and nowhere else in the UK. You must attend meetings with your supervisor in the months from June to September as failure to do so could jeopardise your visa. You can see what constitutes vacation periods for Postgraduate Taught students at AU on the following link:
If you are a Postgraduate Research student, then you must be studying at Aberystwyth University and be based at Aberystwyth for 44 weeks per academic year. Any vacation must be taken when appropriate in line with your research and any teaching events. Any vacation has to be authorised by your supervisor and your supervisor is requested to confirm this by e-mail while stating that any such authorised absence is not likely to impact on your submission date. Your supervisor will also need to inform the relevant Departmental Compliance Contact of such authorised absence and they will forward the request to the Compliance Office for their approval. You are only allowed to work part-time during term time provided that this is stated on your visa. You should not assume that you can work full-time during summer time or any other time of the year that there are no teaching activities.