Maths, stats and numerical skills

Are maths and stats a part of your course? Want to brush up on your existing mathematical knowledge?

Maths, statistics and numeracy skills are indispensable problem-solving and decision-making tools at the heart of advances in many areas of life. Develop your skills in mathematics, statistics or numeracy with one-to-one support and links to further information below.

Mathematical study skills

Open University guide to reading and writing maths:

The Mathematics Playground

The Mathematics playground is an extensive and easy-to-use website that supports learning in the following areas. You can navigate from within the site with the main web link, or choose from the main sections below.

Resources for maths, stats and numeracy

Khan Academy teaches maths starting from counting all the way up to calculus. You can choose exactly at what point you start so you can jump straight into a section you feel most relevant:

Khan Academy's resources can help students learn or refresh basic maths skills. 

Mathcentre: a large network of resources and links from a project developed by the universities of Loughborough, Leeds and Coventry and the OR Network and Educational Broadcasting Services Trust.

Data analysis software

The University gives you access to programs for data analysis. Staff and students can download the software for free for your own computers from the site Software Available from AU (Logon required)


For students and staff who want to install R on personal computers, you need to download and install R first then download and install RStudio which are both free:


Examples of courses in LinkedIn Learning (Please login with your AU email and password):

1:1 Maths and stats support

Maths and stats drop-in sessions

No need to book in advance - just pop by!

Experienced Mathematics and Statistics Tutors will be available in the Hugh Owen Library to help students with their questions about maths or stats as part of their course. The tutors will be on Level D (the ground floor) at the AberSkills Hub* of the Hugh Owen Library every week during teaching term:

  • Thursdays during term time
  • 10:00-13:00
  • Level D, Hugh Owen Library

The Mathematics and Statistics Support service is run by the Department of Mathematics.

Please email if you have any questions or to arrange a help session outside of the above times.


*The AberSkills Hub is located on Level D of the Hugh Owen Library. Please see the image below to view its exact location (indicated by the star).