Sociology and Politics
Blwyddyn Academaidd: 2025/2026Cynllun Anrhydedd Sengl - iawn o 2020/2021
Hyd (astudio Llawn Amser): 3 blwyddyn
Rheolau Rhan 1
Blwyddyn 1
Craidd (60 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
IP12420Exploring the International 1: Central Concepts and Core Skills
orGW12420Cyflwyniad i Wleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol 1: Cysyniadau Canolog a Sgiliau Craidd
Semester 2
IP12920Politics in the 21st Century
orGW12920Gwleidyddiaeth yn yr Unfed Ganrif ar Hugain
Blwyddyn 1
Craidd (60 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
GS17100Introducing Sociological Research
Semester 2
GS17120Introducing Sociological Research
Rheolau Rhan 2
Blwyddyn 2
Craidd (80 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
GS20620Cementing Sociological Research
Semester 2
GS21220Sociological Research in the 'Field'
Blwyddyn 2
Craidd (20 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
IQ23920People and Power: Understanding Comparative Politics Today
orGQ23920Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw
Blwyddyn 2
Choose 20 credits from the following options in the Department of International Politics.
Semester 1
GQ20920Y Meddwl Cymreig mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol
GQ23720Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol
IP20720Climate Change and International Politics in the Anthropocene
IP23020Science, Technology, and International Relations
IP23820The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems
IP26420The Second World War in Europe
IP29220International Politics and Global Development
IQ20220Intervention and Humanitarianism
IQ23720Politics in Diverse Societies
IQ24920Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin
IQ25120Strategy, Intelligence and Security in International Politics
Semester 2
GW20120Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol: Safbwyntiau a Thrafodaethau
IP20120International Relations: Perspectives and Debates
IP20820Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society
IP22320The Governance of Climate Change: Simulation Module
IP24520Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War
IP25320Warfare after Waterloo: Military History 1815-1918
IP26820Questions of International Politics
IP28320A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century
IQ21620Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
IQ22820Capitalism and International Politics
Blwyddyn Olaf
Craidd (60 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
GS31200Sociology Dissertation
orDA31200Traethawd Estynedig Cymdeithaseg
Semester 2
GS31240Sociology Dissertation
orDA31240Traethawd Estynedig Cymdeithaseg
Blwyddyn Olaf
Students must choose 60 credits from the following optional modules. Students may not register for year 3 variants of year 2 modules, which they have already studied. Up to 20 credits may be taken from appropriate modules offered elswhere in the University.
Semester 1
GQ30920Y Meddwl Cymreig Mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol
GQ33720Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol
GW30000Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
IP33020Science, Technology, and International Relations
IP33820The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems
IP36420The Second World War in Europe
IQ30220Intervention and Humanitarianism
IQ33720Politics in Diverse Societies
IQ34920Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin
Semester 2
GW30040Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
IP34520Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War
IP38320A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century
IQ31620Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
IQ32820Capitalism and International Politics
Gwobrau safonol Prifysgol Aberystwyth
- Ysgoloriaethau Mynediad / Gwobr Teilyngdod
- Bwrsariaeth Chwaraeon
- Bwrsariaeth Cerddoriaeth
- Ysgoloriaeth Rhagoriaeth Ryngwladol
- Bwrsariaethau Llety
- Bwrsariaethau Aberystwyth
- Bwrsariaethau Gadael Gofal