Photography / Art History
Blwyddyn Academaidd: 2024/2025Cynllun Anrhydedd Cyfun - iawn o 2020/2021 (Blwyddyn derbyn olaf yw 2024/2025)
Hyd (astudio Llawn Amser): 3 blwyddyn
Rheolau Rhan 1
Blwyddyn 1
Craidd (20 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
AH11520Looking into Landscape: Reading, Researching, Responding
Blwyddyn 1
Craidd (60 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
AR11520Photographic Practice I: Presence/Place
Semester 2
AR11620Photographic Practice II: Identity/Face
Blwyddyn 1
Art History joint honours students must take at least one of the following:
Semester 1
AH11320Pleasure, Power, and Profit: Art in the Long Eighteenth Century
Semester 2
AH11420Revolutions & Modernities: Art in the Nineteenth Century
Blwyddyn 1
Art History joint honours students who do not take both AH11320 and AH11420 can select the remaining 20 credits from the following
Semester 2
AH11220Exploring the School of Art Collections: Research and Museums
Rheolau Rhan 2
Blwyddyn 2
Craidd (40 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
AH20520Modernisms: Art in the Early Twentieth Century
Semester 2
AH20620Postmodernism and Contemporary Art
Blwyddyn 2
Craidd (40 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
AR24320Photographic Practice III: Constructed Images
Semester 2
AR24420Photographic Practice IV: Documentary Storytelling
Blwyddyn 2
Must take 20 credits
Blwyddyn 2
Choose 20 credits of AH2 modules on offer:
Semester 1
AH20320Methods and Materials for Art Historians
AH21620The Image Multiplied: European Printmaking since 1400
AH23120Adaptation: Versions, Revisions and Cultural Renewal
Semester 2
AH20120Enlightenment and Empire: Museums, Knowledge, and Meaning
AH21020Dissertation Preparation and Professional Practice for Students of Art History
Blwyddyn Olaf
Craidd (60 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
AR32130Photography 5 - Photo Directed Practice
Semester 2
AR30130Exhibition 1: Graduation Show
Blwyddyn Olaf
Choose 60 credits of AH3 modules. Students who wish to register for the Dissertation module must have successfully completed AH21020:
Semester 1
AH30320Methods and Materials for Art Historians
AH30620The Image Multiplied: European Printmaking since 1400
AH33120Adaptation: Versions, Revisions and Cultural Renewal
Semester 2
AH30120Enlightenment and Empire: Museums, Knowledge, and Meaning
AH32720Curating an Exhibition: Researching, Interpreting and Displaying
Gwobrau safonol Prifysgol Aberystwyth
- Ysgoloriaethau Mynediad / Gwobr Teilyngdod
- Bwrsariaeth Chwaraeon
- Bwrsariaeth Cerddoriaeth
- Ysgoloriaeth Rhagoriaeth Ryngwladol
- Bwrsariaethau Llety
- Bwrsariaethau Aberystwyth
- Bwrsariaethau Gadael Gofal