Cynlluniau Astudio

English Literature / Drama and Theatre

1 : Awarding Institution / Body
Aberystwyth University

2a : Teaching Institution / University
Aberystwyth University

2b : Work-based learning (where appropriate)

Information provided by Department of English and Creative Writing

3a : Programme accredited by
Aberystwyth University

3b : Programme approved by
Aberystwyth University

4 : Final Award
Bachelor of Arts

5 : Programme title
English Literature / Drama and Theatre

6 : UCAS code

7 : QAA Subject Benchmark

Information provided by Department of English and Creative Writing
- QAA English

8 : Date of publication

Information provided by Department of English and Creative Writing
- September 2023

9 : Educational aims of the programme

Information provided by Department of English and Creative Writing
- To enable successful students to:
  • gain a knowledge of literatures in English by studying a range of literary texts in a variety of genres from different historical periods and (in some cases) geographical locations

  • develop a knowledge of the literary, social, historical, and cultural contexts of writing in English and an understanding of their significance

  • explore the literary relationships between texts and between texts and their contexts

  • develop a knowledge and understanding of the major theoretical formations in the twentieth century

  • investigate how different literary theories interrelate and confront each other

  • explore the relationships between literary theory and literary analysis

  • gain experience of the practical application of literary theory and literary analysis

  • acquire a knowledge of critical debates about the writing they study

  • engage in reasoned critical analysis of particular texts

  • become independent learners who can use a broad range of reference tools, assimilate and appraise substantial amounts of information, and address, define and solve problems

  • become self-aware readers of literature and writers about literature

  • develop an ability to arrive at independent conclusions and make judgements

  • develop an ability to express themselves clearly in speech and in writing

  • develop their own critical voice

  • develop their own interests and manage their own learning through their choice of options

10 : Intended learning outcomes

Information provided by Department of English and Creative Writing

10.1 : Knowledge and understanding

Information provided by Department of English and Creative Writing

The successful student will have gained a knowledge and understanding of:

A1 a range of different genres and periods of literatures in English
A2 the importance of the literary, socio-historical and cultural contexts within which texts are produced and read
A3 the relations between literary texts, and between texts and their contexts
A4 some of the critical issues and debates that have been raised by texts

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated

Teaching and learning: Lectures; tutor-led workshops and seminars; student-led workshops and seminars, written seen and unseen examinations

Assessment - coursework essays; written unseen examinations; oral presentation, dissertation

The programme ensure that all students study a range of writing in English from more than one period.

10.2 : Skills and other attributes

Information provided by Department of English and Creative Writing
- 10.2.1 Intellectual skills

The successful student will develop the ability to:

B1 analyse and interpret a variety of texts
B2 exercise independent thought and judgement
B3 engage critically and self-reflectively with complex material and concepts
B4 present sustained, persuasive and coherent arguments
B5 communicate the results of their studies clearly
B6 plan and organise work and present work to deadlines

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated

Seminars and workshops are used to develop these skills, which are assessed by independently researched coursework assignments, unseen timed examinations, dissertation.

10.2.2 Practical skills

The successful student will develop:

C1 research skills
C2 writing skills
C3 competence in structuring and presenting arguments orally and in writing
C4 an ability to work in groups
C5 time and task management
C6 word-processing skills
C7 ability to use recognised presentational skills, including bibliographical and notational conventions
C8 oral presentation skills

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated

Teaching and learning: skills-based course in first year; preparation for oral and written assignments; essay writing; group work in seminars and workshops; independent study Assessment: coursework assignments; essays; unseen examinations; group oral presentations

10.3 : Transferable/Key skills

Information provided by Department of English and Creative Writing
- D1 ability to analyse issues
D2 ability to research, assimilate, select and organise relevant material using a variety of research tools in paper and on-line formats
D3 writing skills (in a range of modes)
D4 competence in structuring and presenting arguments
D5 an ability to work in groups
D6 time and task management
D7 word-processing skills
D8 oral presentation skills

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated

Student-centred seminars and workshops; essay writing assignments; oral presentations; dissertation

11 : Program Structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards

BA English Literature / Drama and Theatre [QW34]

Blwyddyn Academaidd: 2023/2024Cynllun Anrhydedd Cyfun - ar gael ers 2000/2001

Hyd (astudio Llawn Amser): 3 blwyddyn
Blwyddyn Ddiwethaf: 2023/2024

Rheolau Rhan 1

Blwyddyn 1 Craidd (40 Credyd)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Theatre in Context 1

Semester 2

Theatre in Context 2

Blwyddyn 1 Craidd (40 Credyd)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Critical Practice

Semester 2

Ancestral Voices


Critical Practice

Blwyddyn 1 Opsiynau

Choose one of the following

Semester 1

Studio Theatre Project

Semester 2

Site-Specific Performance Project

Blwyddyn 1 Opsiynau

Choose 20 credits

Semester 1

American Literature 1819-1925


Academic Writing: Planning, Process and Product


Re-imagining Nineteenth-Century Literature


Literature And The Sea

Semester 2

Greek and Roman Epic and Drama


Contemporary Writing


Language Awareness for TESOL


Academic Writing: Planning, Process and Product


Introduction to Poetry

Blwyddyn 1 Opsiynau

Students may, subject to the demands of their other scheme, choose one of the following modules:

Semester 1

Body, Voice, Perception

Semester 2

Body, Voice, Expression.

Rheolau Rhan 2

Blwyddyn 2 Craidd (20 Credyd)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues

Semester 2

Blwyddyn 2 Opsiynau

Joint Honours Drama and Theatre students must take at least 40 credits and, subject to the demands of their other scheme, may take up to 80 credits of TP modules in their 2nd year:

Semester 1

Acting: Process and Performance


Devised Performance Project


Directors' Theatre


Theatre Design Project


Acting for Camera

Semester 2

Shakespeare in Performance


New Media Performance


Theatre Production Project

Blwyddyn 2 Opsiynau

Choose 20 credits

Semester 1

Literary Modernisms


Literature and Climate in the Nineteenth Century


Contemporary Queer Fiction


Effective Academic and Professional Communication 1

Semester 2

Literary Geographies


Contemporary Writing and Climate Crisis


Literature since the '60s


Effective Academic and Professional Communication 1


A Century in Crisis: 1790s to 1890s

Blwyddyn 2 Opsiynau

Choose 20 credits

Semester 1

Classical Drama and Myth


In the Olde Dayes: Medieval Texts and Their World


Writing Women for the Public Stage, 1670-1780

Semester 2

Place and Self

Blwyddyn Olaf Opsiynau

Joint Honours Drama and Theatre students must take at least 20 credits from the following modules:

Semester 1

Contemporary Drama


Performance and Disability


Place, Space and Landscape

Semester 2

Performance and Architecture


Musical Theatre Dramaturgies

Blwyddyn Olaf Opsiynau

Joint Honours Drama and Theatre students may take up to 40 credits from the following modules:

Semester 1



Ensemble Performance Project


Independent Research Project

Semester 2



Independent Research Project

Blwyddyn Olaf Opsiynau

Choose 60 credits

Semester 1

Undergraduate Dissertation


Reading Theory / Reading Text


Romantic Eroticism


Effective Academic and Professional Communication 2


Remix: Chaucer In The Then and Now


Literatures of Surveillance

Semester 2

Undergraduate Dissertation


Victorian Childhoods


Writing in the Margins: Twentieth-Century Welsh Poetry in English


Haunting Texts


The Mark of the Beast: Animals in Literature from the 1780s to the 1920s


Ali Smith and 21st Century fiction(s)


Effective Academic and Professional Communication 2

12 : Support for students and their learning
Every student is allocated a Personal Tutor. Personal Tutors have an important role within the overall framework for supporting students and their personal development at the University. The role is crucial in helping students to identify where they might find support, how and where to seek advice and how to approach support to maximise their student experience. Further support for students and their learning is provided by Information Services and Student Support and Careers Services.

13 : Entry Requirements
Details of entry requirements for the scheme can be found at

14 : Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning
All taught study schemes are subject to annual monitoring and periodic review, which provide the University with assurance that schemes are meeting their aims, and also identify areas of good practice and disseminate this information in order to enhance the provision.

15 : Regulation of Assessment
Academic Regulations are published as Appendix 2 of the Academic Quality Handbook:

15.1 : External Examiners
External Examiners fulfill an essential part of the University’s Quality Assurance. Annual reports by External Examiners are considered by Faculties and Academic Board at university level.

16 : Indicators of quality and standards
The Department Quality Audit questionnaire serves as a checklist about the current requirements of the University’s Academic Quality Handbook. The periodic Department Reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of quality assurance processes and for the University to assure itself that management of quality and standards which are the responsibility of the University as a whole are being delivered successfully.