Cymrodoriaeth er Anrhydedd i fiocemegydd a sylfaenydd brand gofal croen

Y Gwir Anrhydeddus Arglwydd Thomas o Gwmgïedd, Changhellor Prifysgol Aberystwyth, yn cyflwyno yr Dr Anna Persaud yn Gymrawd Anrhydedd

Y Gwir Anrhydeddus Arglwydd Thomas o Gwmgïedd, Changhellor Prifysgol Aberystwyth, yn cyflwyno yr Dr Anna Persaud yn Gymrawd Anrhydedd

18 Gorffennaf 2024

Mae Prifysgol Aberystwyth wedi cyflwyno Cymrodoriaeth er Anrhydedd i Dr Anna Persaud, cyn-fyfyrwraig o Aberystwyth a Phrif Swyddog Gweithredol a Sylfaenydd y brand moethus gofal croen a lles Prydeinig, This Works.

Cwblhaodd Dr Persaud ei PhD yn Aberystwyth, lle bu'n ymchwilio i gymhlethdodau Biocemeg Parasitiaid, cyn cychwyn ar yrfa sydd wedi ymroi i wyddoniaeth, iechyd ac arweinyddiaeth.

Fel Prif Swyddog Gweithredol a Sylfaenydd ‘This Works’, mae hi wedi arloesi â'r syniad o gymhwyso profion a safonau gwyddonol trylwyr a chadarn i gynnyrch gofal croen a ffordd-o-fyw naturiol, gan hefyd hybu amrywioldeb yn y gweithle, dulliau di-greulondeb a chynaliadwyedd yn y diwydiant.

Mae hi'n ymgorffori ysbryd arloesi a'r gred mai gwybodaeth yw'r cyfrwng y mae diwydiannau'n esblygu ac yn gwella drwyddo.

Yn 2021, enillodd Wobr Cyflawniad Oes ‘Cosmetic Executive Women’.

Cyflwynwyd Dr Anna Persaud yn Gymrawd er Anrhydedd gan yr Athro Iain Barber, Pennaeth Adran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth, ddydd Iau 18 Gorffennaf 2024.

Mae’r cyflwyniad llawn ar gael isod, yn yr iaith y’i traddodwyd.

Dr Anna Persaud

Cyflwyno Dr Anna Persaud gan yr Athro Iain Barber:

Canghellor, Is-Ganghellor, graddedigion a  chyfeillion.  Pleser o’r mwyaf yw cyflwyno  Anna Persaud yn gymrawd Prifysgol Aberystwyth.

Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, graduates and supporters.  It is an honour and a privilege to present Anna Persaud as a Fellow of Aberystwyth University.

From the complexities of molecular biochemistry to the development, marketing and business of luxurious skincare, Dr Anna Persaud's life has been dedicated to science, to wellness, and to leadership. Her inspirational story is not simply one of personal success and endeavour; it also provides a compelling narrative of how the application of fundamental scientific knowledge can improve the lives of people around the world.

Dr Persaud’s fascination for the natural world led to her undertaking a Bachelor of Science Honours degree, in Zoology, in 1991. For Dr Persaud, her undergraduate degree was more than simply an academic pursuit; it provided the kindling that fuelled a lifelong passion for knowledge and understanding. She further honed her research expertise through an industry-sponsored PhD program here at Aberystwyth, where she studied detoxification mechanisms and oxidative stress in parasitic nematode worms, under the guidance of the renowned parasitologist, Professor John Barrett.

However, in parallel to her academic research, Dr Persaud was also cultivating an equally strong commitment to understanding physical health, completing her training to become a certified fitness instructor. It was these twin passions – for scientific insight and physical wellbeing – that laid the foundations for an holistic approach to her life, and her future career.

Dr Persaud's engagement with the enigmatic world of luxury goods began at Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton (LVMH). Her tenure spanned a decade, ultimately serving as the Marketing Director for Parfums Christian Dior, where she was able to marry her scientific perspective to the fashion and cosmetics industry.

In 2009, Dr Persaud became the CEO and Founder for luxury British skincare and wellness brand This Works, pioneering the concept of applying rigorous and robust scientific approaches to the development of effective and sustainable natural skincare and lifestyle products. Under her leadership, This Works has collaborated with leaders in the fields of biochemistry, neuroscience and social sciences, enriching the brand experience beyond the product. This has included the development of ‘functional fragrances’ and pioneering the concept of ‘neurocosmetics’. For example, the brand’s ‘Sleep’ franchise uses multiple independent user studies and innovative scientific methodologies – including fMRI brain imaging and polysomnography – to demonstrate the neuroscientific action of wellness products designed to restore healthy sleep patterns to restless sleepers.

In 2019 Dr Persaud took charge as VP of Skincare and Topicals at the worldwide company Canopy Growth, integrating the scientific standards and approach she had pioneered at This Works to develop an emergent field of research-informed cannabis-based pain management and anti-ageing products. Today, Dr Anna Persaud’s remit as CEO of This Works encompasses an international footprint across Europe, North America, the Middle East, Asia and Australia.

Dr Persaud resides in Surrey with two children. Alongside her family, and running a busy and growing business, she is dedicated to developing a more unified concept of beauty, health and wellbeing, and to shaping an empowering, evidence-based, customer-centric industry that uses scientific advances to underpin product development.

She does this not only through her professional engagements, but also by sharing her scientific knowledge, as an opinion leader and as a mentor. Dr Persaud is committed to shaping and developing future talent in her industry and enriching the pool of knowledgeable practitioners in the cosmetic biochemical field. Throughout all of her work, she champions diversity and sustainability in the workplace, and the adoption of cruelty-free research.

Dr Persaud has received numerous industry awards, including the highly acclaimed Cosmetic Executive Women’s ‘Achievement Award’ in 2021.

Dr Persaud's life tells an intertwined tale of scientific endeavour married to opulence and luxury in the beauty sector, grounded in firm ethical and sustainable values and practices. She embodies the spirit of innovation and the belief that knowledge is the vehicle through which industries evolve and improve.

Canghellor, mae’n bleser gen i gyflwyno Anna Persaud i chi yn Gymrawd.  

Chancellor, it is my absolute pleasure to present Anna Persaud to you as a Fellow of Aberystwyth University.

Anrhydeddau Prifysgol Aberystwyth 2024

Bob blwyddyn, mae Prifysgol Aberystwyth yn dyfarnu Graddau er Anrhydedd i nifer fach o unigolion nodedig er mwyn cydnabod eu cyflawniad a’u cyfraniad rhagorol.

Dyma Gymrodyr er Anrhydedd 2024:

  • Yr Athro Syr Stewart Cole KCMG FRS, microbiolegydd o fri rhyngwladol sy'n gweithio ym maes iechyd byd-eang
  • Jess Fishlock MBE, pêl-droedwraig a hyfforddwraig broffesiynol, a enillodd 150 o gapiau rhyngwladol dros Gymru
  • Clare Hieatt, cyd-sylfaenydd yr ŵyl syniadau fyd-enwog The Do Lectures a chwmni Hiut Denim Co
  • David Hieatt, cyd-sylfaenydd cwmni jîns Hiut Denim Co o Aberteifi a The Do Lectures
  • Yr Athro Uzo Iwobi CBE FLSW FRSA, Sylfaenydd a Phrif Weithredwr Cyngor Hil Cymru
  • Dr Anna Persaud, Prif Swyddog Gweithredol a Sylfaenydd y brand moethus gofal croen a lles, This Works
  • Manon Steffan Ros, awdur arobryn, colofnydd a sgript-wraig