Cyd-sylfaenwyr brand jîns premiwm yn ennill Cymrodoriaethau er Anrhydedd

Y Gwir Anrhydeddus Arglwydd Thomas o Gwmgïedd, Changhellor Prifysgol Aberystwyth, yn cyflwyno Clare a David Hieatt yn Cymrodyr Anrhydeddus
17 Gorffennaf 2024
Mae Prifysgol Aberystwyth wedi cyflwyno Cymrodoriaethau er Anrhydedd i Clare a David Hieatt, cyd-sylfaenwyr The Do Lectures a’r cwmni Hiut Denim.
Gadawodd Clare a David Hieatt, sy’n wreiddiol o Gymru, am Lundain i weithio fel ysgrifenwyr copi - David yn gweithio i'r asiantaeth hysbysebu enwog Saatchi and Saatchi, a Clare ar brosiectau creadigol i rai o frandiau amlycaf y byd.
Yn 2001, symudasant yn ôl i Gymru i adeiladu howies, cwmni dillad a gafodd ei ddisgrifio fel y fersiwn Brydeinig o gwmni Americanaidd ‘Patagonia’ ar gyfer chwaraeon antur. Ar ôl ei werthu i Timberland, fe wnaethant gyd-sefydlu The Do Lectures, gŵyl syniadau a llwyfan ar-lein o fri byd-eang, gyda chynulleidfa o filiynau.
Yn fwy diweddar mae’r Hieatts wedi cyd-greu Hiut Denim, cwmni sy’n wedi helpu i ddod â'r diwydiant jîns yn ôl i Aberteifi, tref a fu unwaith yn gartref i ffatri jîns fwyaf Prydain.
Cyflwynwyd Clare a David Hieatt fel Cymrodyr Anrhydeddus gan yr Athro Anwen Jones, Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor Cyfadran y Celfyddydau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth ar ddydd Mercher 17 Gorffennaf 2024.
Mae’r cyflwyniad llawn ar gael isod, yn yr iaith y’i traddodwyd.
David a Clare Hieatt
Cyflwyno Clare a David Hieatt gan yr Athro Anwen Jones:
Canghellor, Is-Ganghellor, graddedigion a chyfeillion. Mae hi’n fraint ac yn anrhydedd cyflwyno Clare a David Hieatt yn gymrodorion Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, graduates and supporters. It is an honour and a privilege to present Clare and David Hieatt as Fellows of Aberystwyth University.
Modern Universities like Aberystwyth, aim to develop and nurture graduates who have the drive and skills to innovate within the broader context of sustainability, community-based creativity, co-production and creative enterprise so it is a thrill to be presenting two individuals who have come together as a tour de force in these areas.
Clare and David are not one and the same, but they have combined their energies and expertise in marketing and advertising, commercial sales, community-based co-creation and high-end retail products in an impressive way and their co-founded Do Lectures bring together communities of doers in globally acclaimed networks and ideas festivals.
What is even more important from our perspective as a university that is dedicated to serving its region’s economic, cultural and intellectual needs is the fact that this dynamic duo have brought their business home to Cardigan.
Mae Clare yn hannu o Dde Cymru a dychwelodd hi a David i Gymru yn 2001 wedi cyfnod o weithio ym maes marchnata yn Llundain er mwyn sefydlu Howies, cwmni dillad awyr agored a werthwyd i’r cwmni adnabyddus, Timberland.
It is no mean feat that they recognised Cardigan’s potential - based on its past history of skilled jeans manufacturing for Marks and Spencers – as a good springboard for their modern business.
It is no less of a feat to have had the confidence to come back to Wales, to Cardigan, to realise the vision that is Huit jeans – a specialist team of jean manufacturers bringing years of experience, concentration and commitment to producing made-to-measure elite jeans.
David referred to the seismic influence of social media on the company’s capacity to market, sell and ultimately survive, as a competitive, financial force from their base in Cardigan. Ultimately, he argues: "If David wants to beat Goliath, the best tool in the world is social media."
No doubt David is right but it may also be that if David want to beat Goliath, the best tools in the world are Clare and David themselves!
Chancellor, it is my absolute pleasure to present Clare and David Hieatt to you as Fellows of Aberystwyth University.
Canghellor, mae’n bleser o’r mwyaf gen i gyflwyno Clare a David Hieatt i chi yn gymrodorion Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
Anrhydeddau Prifysgol Aberystwyth 2024
Bob blwyddyn, mae Prifysgol Aberystwyth yn dyfarnu Graddau er Anrhydedd i nifer fach o unigolion nodedig er mwyn cydnabod eu cyflawniad a’u cyfraniad rhagorol.
Dyma Gymrodyr er Anrhydedd 2024:
- Yr Athro Syr Stewart Cole KCMG FRS, microbiolegydd o fri rhyngwladol sy'n gweithio ym maes iechyd byd-eang
- Jess Fishlock MBE, pêl-droedwraig a hyfforddwraig broffesiynol, a enillodd 150 o gapiau rhyngwladol dros Gymru
- Clare Hieatt, cyd-sylfaenydd yr ŵyl syniadau fyd-enwog The Do Lectures a chwmni Hiut Denim Co
- David Hieatt, cyd-sylfaenydd cwmni jîns Hiut Denim Co o Aberteifi a The Do Lectures
- Yr Athro Uzo Iwobi CBE FLSW FRSA, Sylfaenydd a Phrif Weithredwr Cyngor Hil Cymru
- Dr Anna Persaud, Prif Swyddog Gweithredol a Sylfaenydd y brand moethus gofal croen a lles, This Works
- Manon Steffan Ros, awdur arobryn, colofnydd a sgript-wraig