Gwybodaeth Modiwlau
Modiwlau Israddedigion - Ffiseg (2025/2026)
Rhan 1 Semester 1
- EE18000 - Professionalism and Sustainable Industrial Practice
- FG05700 - Cyflwyniad i Ffiseg Labordy ar gyfer Ffisegwyr a Pheirianwyr
- FG10020 - Dynameg, Tonnau a Gwres
- FG15510 - Technegau Labordy ar gyfer Ffiseg Arbrofol (10 Credyd)
- FG15700 - Technegau Labordy ar gyfer Ffisegwyr Arbrofol a Pheirianwyr (20 Credyd)
- FG16210 - Algebra a Hafaliadau Differol
- PH04020 - Introduction to Fundamentals of Physics I
- PH05700 - Introduction to Laboratory for Physicists and Engineers
- PH06020 - Introduction to Mathematical Methods 1
- PH10020 - Dynamics, Waves and Heat
- PH15000 - Laboratory Techniques for Experimental Physicists and Engineers (30 Credits)
- PH15510 - Laboratory Techniques for Experimental Physics (10 Credits)
- PH15700 - Laboratory Techniques for Experimental Physicists and Engineers (20 Credits)
- PH16210 - Algebra and Differential Equations
- PH18010 - Astronomy
- PH19510 - Communication and Technology
Rhan 1 Semester 2
- EE11020 - Analogue and Digital Electronics
- EE18020 - Professionalism and Sustainable Industrial Practice
- FG05720 - Cyflwyniad i Ffiseg Labordy ar gyfer Ffisegwyr a Pheirianwyr
- FG11120 - Trydan, Magneteg a Mater
- FG12910 - Cynllunio Gyrfa a Datblygu Sgiliau Ffiseg
- FG15510 - Technegau Labordy ar gyfer Ffiseg Arbrofol (10 Credyd)
- FG15720 - Technegau Labordy ar gyfer Ffisegwyr Arbrofol a Pheirianwyr (20 Credyd)
- PH04520 - Introduction to Fundamentals of Physics II
- PH05720 - Introduction to Laboratory for Physicists and Engineers
- PH06520 - Introduction to Mathematical Methods 2
- PH11120 - Electricity, Magnetism and Matter
- PH12910 - Physics Career Planning and Skills Development
- PH14310 - Modern Physics
- PH15030 - Laboratory Techniques for Experimental Physicists and Engineers (30 Credits)
- PH15720 - Laboratory Techniques for Experimental Physicists and Engineers (20 Credits)
- PH19010 - Energy and the Environment
Rhan 2 Semester 1
- FG26020 - Ffiseg Mathemategol
- FG34410 - Addysgu Ffiseg drwy brofiad gwaith mewn ysgol
- FG35110 - Sgiliau Ymchwil Ymarferol (10 credyd)
- FG37000 - Prosiect (gyda rheoli prosiect)
- FG37500 - Prosiect (40 Credyd)
- FGM5800 - Prif Brosiect
- FGM5920 - Prosiect Llai
- FGM6420 - Sgiliau Uwch Mewn Ffiseg
- PH21510 - Thermodynamics
- PH24520 - Sensors, Electronics & Instrumentation
- PH26510 - Numerical Techniques for Physicists (10 Credits)
- PH26600 - Numerical Techniques for Physicists
- PH28620 - Stars and Planets
- PH32410 - Concepts in Condensed Matter Physics
- PH33000 - Particles, Quanta and Fields
- PH33310 - Engineering Control Theory
- PH34410 - Teaching Physics Through Work Experience in School
- PH34510 - Lasers and Photonics
- PH35110 - Practical Research Skills (10 credits)
- PH37000 - Project (with project management)
- PH37500 - Project (40 Credits)
- PH39620 - Astrophysics I: Physics of the Sun
- PHM2220 - Advanced Wireless Networks - 5G and Beyond
- PHM2420 - Electromagnetic Theory and Microwave Devices
- PHM2510 - Electromagnetic Theory
- PHM3010 - Advanced Quantum Physics
- PHM5800 - Major Project
- PHM5920 - Minor Project
- PHM6420 - Advanced Skills in Physics
- PHS0100 - Year In Industry
- PHS0200 - Year In Industry
- PM26020 - Mathematical Physics
Rhan 2 Semester 2
- FG22510 - Trydan a Magnetedd
- FG25720 - Sgiliau Ymchwil Ymarferol
- FG35620 - Prosiect (20 Credyd)
- FG37040 - Prosiect (gyda rheoli prosiect)
- FG37540 - Prosiect (40 Credyd)
- FGM5860 - Prif Brosiect
- PH22010 - Optics
- PH22510 - Electricity and Magnetism
- PH23010 - Principles of Quantum Mechanics
- PH25720 - Practical Research Skills
- PH26620 - Numerical Techniques for Physicists
- PH33020 - Particles, Quanta and Fields
- PH33610 - Semiconductor Technology
- PH33810 - Materials Physics
- PH35620 - Project (20 Credits)
- PH37040 - Project (with project management)
- PH37540 - Project (40 Credits)
- PH38210 - Professional Skills in Engineering
- PH38820 - Physics of Planetary Atmospheres
- PH39820 - Astrophysics II: Galaxies, General Relativity and Cosmology
- PHM5760 - Studies in the Upper Polar Atmosphere
- PHM5860 - Major Project
- PHM7020 - Advanced Research Topics
- PHS0160 - Year In Industry
- PHS0260 - Year In Industry
Modiwlau Uwchraddedigion - Ffiseg (2025/2026)
Semester 1
- PHM4720 - Advanced Planetary Exploration
Semester 2
- EEM0020 - Product Innovation
- EEM0220 - Capital Investments
- PHM2820 - Antennas and Wave Propagation
- PHM7220 - Professional and Research Skills
Semester 3 (Traethawd Hir)