Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Planning for Doctoral Study and Thesis Preparation
Academic Year
Semester 1
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Thesis Research Plan  10000 Words  100%
Supplementary Assessment Thesis Research Plan  10000 Words  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Understand the structural requirements of the EdD thesis.

Engage in writing at a doctoral level.

Plan for the writing of their EdD thesis.

Successfully complete the ethics process required to collect data.

Collect data that is reliable and valid.

Analyse and interpret data in a meaningful way.

Draw conclusions and insights from the analysis of data.

Critically reflect on their research and research within the social sciences more generally.

Brief description

The aim of this taught module is to prepare the student for the empirical work and doctoral level writing expected at the thesis stage. It will be offered during Phase 1 of the EdD, where candidates complete 60 credits at Level 8 (Project Design, Ethics Approval and Pilot). This module focuses candidates on the potential methods that they may adopt within the main project. This module will be co delivered by a national team comprising a period of residential intensive teaching with periodic online sessions. All students will have access to the PLP that will host pre-recorded sessions to support students throughout the doctoral process. This L8 module will prepare the students for their thesis writing and completion of the EdD.


The aim of this taught module is to prepare the student for the empirical work and doctoral level writing expected at the thesis stage.


The content of the taught module focuses specifically on preparing students for the thesis stage and will include the following indicative content during the National Conference days:

, Foundations of Research in Education (January – March)
• Understanding the Nature of Education Knowledge
• Key Theoretical Debates and Issues in Education Research
• Understanding Education Research
• Critically Evaluating Education Research
• Research Design
• Referencing

2. Undertaking Research in Education Part 1 (April – July)
• Methods and Methodology for Research in Education
• Reviewing the Literature Effectively and Creating a Conceptual Framework
• Choosing data collection methods
• Ethical issues in Education- gaining ethical approval.

3. Undertaking Research in Education Part 2 (August – October)
• The Practicalities and Considerations of Undertaking Research in Education.
• Issues of bias, sampling, validity, and reliability.
• Data reduction, analysis, and representation.
• Your positionality as a researcher
• Drafting your research plan

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Subject Specific Skills Planning for Doctoral Study and Thesis Preparation


This module is at CQFW Level 7