Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Cod y Modiwl
Teitl y Modiwl
Welsh Language 2
Blwyddyn Academaidd
Cyd-gysylltydd y Modiwl
Semester 2
Rhestr Ddarllen
Staff Eraill sy'n Cyfrannu

Manylion y cyrsiau


Dulliau Asesu

Math o Assessiad Manylion / Hyd Assessiad Cyfran
Arholiad Ailsefyll 2 Awr   Arholiad atodol  60%
Arholiad Semester 2 Awr   Arholiad terfynol/final exam  60%
Asesiad Ailsefyll Arholiad llafar/oral exam  20%
Asesiad Ailsefyll Ymarferion iaith/Language exercises  20%
Asesiad Semester .25 Awr   Arholiad llafar/oral exam  20%
Asesiad Semester Ymarferion iaith/Language exercises  Gwaith wythnosol/weeekly submissions  20%

Canlyniadau Dysgu

Wedi cwblhau'r modiwl dylai'r myfyrwyr fedru:

1. You will gain a basic knowledge of both spoken and written Welsh.

2. As well as being able to engage in Welsh conversations in a variety of contexts, you will be able to read simple text written in Welsh unaided and possess the basic linguistic knowledge to read more difficult texts with aids such as dictionaries and glossaries.

Disgrifiad cryno




Sgiliau Modiwl

Math o Sgiliau Manylion Sgiliau
Cydlynu ag erail An opportunity to work and discuss with others during workshops
Cyfathrebu proffesiynol Discuss grammatical issues in workshops; be able to explain grammatical mistakes in assignments and the examination
Datrys Problemau Creadigol Responding to technical challenges posed by grammar and individual grammatical tasks; students will aim for grammatical accuracy.
Myfyrdod The workshops will give students the opportunity to discuss language tasks and translation; a package of regular tasks allows students to measure and reflect upon their performance and personal development.
Sgiliau Pwnc-benodol .The grammatical skills developed on this module are transferable and will be of use to students in a university and workplace setting.


Mae'r modiwl hwn yn cydymffurfio a FfCChC Lefel 7