Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking for University (Study Routes A & B)
Academic Year
Semester 2
Completion of Block 1 modules or IELTS 5.0 or IELTS 6.0 depending on the Pathway being followed
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Writing exam  120 minutes (400-600 words)  30%
Semester Assessment Reading exam  120 minutes  50%
Semester Assessment Extended essay or report  (1000-1500 words)  20%
Supplementary Assessment Reading exam  120 minutes  50%
Supplementary Assessment Writing exam  120 minutes  50%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Reading Learning Outcomes:
Read and comprehend an academic or other reasonably complex text involving the ability to:
• identify and critically evaluate the writer’s stance
• critically analyse the relationships of ideas in the text
• select relevant information for a particular task, take notes and summarise such information
• attempt to understand vocabulary from context
• understand the structure of a text (intro, body & conclusion etc)

Writing Learning Outcomes:
Write an evidence based essay or report in an appropriate academic format following appropriate academic conventions, which makes use of and synthesizes information from two or more sources. Students should be able to:
• Structure an academic essay and report
• Select relevant and appropriate information while avoiding plagiarism by:
-Taking appropriate notes
- Understanding the difference between copying, paraphrasing and quoting
- Understanding and using the Harvard System of citation
- Writing a suitable bibliography

Writing Learning Outcomes:
Use adequate vocabulary to understand and write about concepts in an academic context

Reading & Writing Learning Outcomes:
Apply their academic writing and reading skills sufficiently to be able to deal effectively with the demands of first-year undergraduate study at a UK university

Brief description

Reading and Writing and Critical Thinking for University, is one of 3 core English language skill development modules that make up the 20 hours of study per week of the IFC Block 2 course. The fourth core Block 2 module is delivered by the subject specific academic department.
This module will develop, extend and consolidate the general & academic reading, writing and study skills needed for successful study at AU.


1. To develop, extend and consolidate students’ general & academic reading skills for university
2. To develop, extend and consolidate students’ general & academic writing skills for university
3. To give practice in the independent learner study skills required to function effectively in a higher education learning environment


Due to the nature of each IFC cohort of students, the IFC course will need to be flexible and responsive to students’ needs. It is a student centred course.
The outline below is indicative of the skills that this module will cover.

Key reading strategies to be developed:
• A range of reading skills both extensive and intensive to enable students to develop specific receptive skills such as reading for gist, reading for specific information, reading for detailed comprehension and reading for inference.
• Active reading skills
• Using the library and online resources appropriately

Key writing strategies to be developed:
• Writing for different purposes & audiences – general & academic (block 2 & 3)
• Understanding of the grammatical & lexical features of a text to promote precision and accuracy
• The process of writing – students will be encouraged to consider the procedure of putting together a good piece of work including: pre-writing phase, planning, editing, re-drafting, and finally producing the finished version of their work
• Note-taking, paraphrasing and referencing techniques

Week 1,2,3,4 Course Introduction

Developing and improving reading skills for example – identifying the main idea, skimming, scanning, understanding vocabulary from context, identifying steps in a sequence, reading and note-taking, identifying lines of argument, how academic arguments are presented etc
Introduction to academic texts: overall structure, citations, bibliographies, identifying paragraph topics, supporting points, summarising paragraphs, analysing essay questions, good academic practice paraphrasing, summarising using direct quotes etc

Week 5,6,7,8

Developing and improving reading skills for example – distinguishing fact from opinion, using questions to be an active reader, using context to provide meaning, developing critical reading skills, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable texts, using the library & electronic resources, introduction to research etc
Developing academic writing for example – essay planning, academic texts, organizing and linking ideas, incorporating sources, synthesising info from several sources; developing own academic voice, writing introductions, body and conclusions, presenting your argument etc

Week 9, 10,11,12

Developing and improving reading skills for example – more of the above with extended texts.
Preparation for writing extended essay.
Submission of first draft in week 10 final submission in week 12
Revision and exam preparation

Week 13 Module assessment

Week 14 Further teaching

Week 15 Module feedback + tutorial support

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number
Communication This module develops communication and literacy skills through engagement with reading & writing texts and vocabulary extension activities
Improving own Learning and Performance This module incorporates targeted individual learning tutorials to encourage students to assess and analyze their own learning and performance.
Information Technology This module will expect students to submit some of their work in a word processed format. Students will also be encouraged to search the web for sources of information.
Personal Development and Career planning
Problem solving Developing reading and writing sub skills involves problem solving to find and record the key information required to comprehend texts
Research skills This module will involve students actively and independently researching topics for reading and writing practice
Subject Specific Skills Academic English study skills
Team work This module involves students working in pairs and teams to develop their reading and writing skills


This module is at CQFW Level 3