Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health
Academic Year
Semester 2 (Taught over 2 semesters)
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment .5 Hours   Written test  20%
Semester Assessment Data Analysis and interpretation report  1500 Words  30%
Semester Exam 1.5 Hours   Written exam  50%
Supplementary Exam .5 Hours   Written test  20%
Supplementary Exam Data Analysis and interpretation report  1500 Words  30%
Supplementary Exam 1.5 Hours   Written exam  50%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Understand the principles of sampling and hypothesis testing

Describe and summarise appropriately, quantitative and qualitative data.

Create suitable graphical representation of data.

Perform and interpret statistical analyses for both qualitative and quantitative data, and apply these in the context of a research project.

Understand the factors that affect decision-making in population medicine and apply these to real-world examples.

Demonstrate how module content can be applied to clinical settings and how it integrates with other modules

Brief description

This is the first of two visits to PMVPH (the second to be conducted at RVC) and comprises two sections - Population Investigation Skills, which focuses on biostatistics, and Population-level Decision Making, which looks at the range of criteria that must be considered (animal health and productivity, economics, animal welfare, public health and the environment) when making population-based decisions.


1. To provide students with the key knowledge, skills and competencies required for basic statistical analysis of data.
2. To introduce the concepts of population-level decision-making, which will be expanded on in following years


This module comprises two sections: The first on population investigation skills includes six lectures on data analysis, management and hypothesis testing as well as an equivlaent time in directed learning to apply the methods covered in the classroom. The second includes seven lectures on decision making at population level and the factors that might effect interventions and actions. There is a strong practical element to this module with extensive self-directed and group-based work. The skills and statistical methods developed in this module will be extensively applied in subsequent years.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Adaptability and resilience Outside the formal contact hours, students will be expected to research materials, manage time and meet deadlines for the coursework and exam. This aspect is not assessed.
Co-ordinating with others Small group learning will encourage students to communicate, assess and present information as a team. This aspect is not assessed.
Creative Problem Solving Small group learning/Practical classes and report coursework will involve problem solving.
Critical and analytical thinking The exams will require students to research topics beyond the depth and scope of the lecture material. Information from a variety of sources will be used. Research skills will be assessed in the examination.
Digital capability Accessing the web for reliable information sources and using databases to find literature in preparation for the exam. This will be directly assessed in report with feedback provided.
Professional communication Students will develop effective written communication skills in the research report. Feedback for this will be given.
Real world sense Application of Number: Data analysis and interpretation of data will be taught and assessed in the coursework and exam.
Reflection Students will have contact with veterinary surgeons and biology researchers providing insight into these sectors. This aspect is not assessed.
Subject Specific Skills During the module, students will gain knowledge of veterinary and biological terminology assessed in exam and coursework.


This module is at CQFW Level 5