Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
French Language Beginners
Academic Year
Semester 2 (Taught over 2 semesters)
Exclusive (Any Acad Year)

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Continuous assessment  20%: 8 written assignments, 4 of them under exam conditions (those taken under exam conditions counting twice as much as the others); 10%: listening comprehension (4 tests); 10%: oral (4 marks based on attendance, active contribution and performance in small oral groups).   40%
Semester Exam 3 Hours   Written and Oral exam  3 Hours Written examination in semester 2 (50%) + one oral examination (10%). The oral examination takes the form of a 15-minute interview with one member of staff. During this interview the candidate will be asked (a) to offer a brief presentation (max. 5-7 minutes) in the target language on a selected topic and (b) to engage in a general conversation arising in the first instance from the presentation itself.  60%
Supplementary Exam 3 Hours   If the module has been failed, the supplementary exam will consist of a 3-hour written examination which will count for 100%. If the student has failed the oral exam but has a passing average without the oral exam being taken into consideration, the supplementary exam will consist of an oral examination only (same format as in May/June). The mark of this supplementary oral exam will be integrated into the final mark.  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. demonstrate your interest in and understanding of the French language as a subject of study

2. display proficiency in the essential framework of French grammar and syntax

3. translate selected passages from and into French

4. use a range of linguistic structures, particularly those in more frequent general usage

5. communicate in written French at a standard appropriate to Part II beginners

6. communicate in spoken French at a standard appropriate to Part II beginners

7. produce summaries of material written in French

8. give your own insights into aspects of French society

9. use a good range of French vocabulary

10. respond with understanding to spoken French

11. make both supervised and independent use of the facilities available in the department: video, language laboratory, satellite television. Students do a variety of aural exercises based on authentic audio/video and film material.

Brief description

As an intensive introduction to the French language, this module forms part of the core Part II programme in French and is the main language course in the second year for students who do not have an 'A' level or equivalent in the language. It aims to introduce students to contemporary French, imparting all four skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) and translation, and developing language awareness. It also helps students acquire competence in the fundamental structure of the French language as well as communicative skills. The course adopts a multimodal approach making extensive use of video, computers, LRC, satellite television and internet-based material.


Students will develop proficiency in writing, listening, speaking and reading, and translation and will be introduced to the richness and diversity of the Francophone world. The two-semester programme will comprise the following themes:
Greetings, university life, personality description, accommodation, family, eating out, shopping, holidaying, travel & transport, media & communication, art, everyday life, the workplace, leisure, expressing an opinion, Francophonie, studying in France and in a Francophone country. The translation classes will comprise an introduction to translation theory, translation of different registers from and into French and an overview of film/video dubbing in the LRC.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Using numbers in target language
Communication Conversation and written classes and coursework
Improving own Learning and Performance Continuous assessment in all 4 language skills
Information Technology Use of video and audio in LRC
Personal Development and Career planning Writing CVs and letters in target language
Problem solving Grammar and translation work in class and at home
Research skills Use of BB and other websites
Subject Specific Skills All 4 language skills
Team work Pair work and group presentations


This module is at CQFW Level 5