Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Personal and professional Development in Childhood Studies
Academic Year
Semester 2 (Taught over 2 semesters)
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Presentation - 10 minutes  15%
Semester Assessment Placement obsevation.  Mentor assessment of professional practice.  20%
Semester Assessment Placement portfolio - 5000 words  50%
Semester Assessment Esssay - 1500 words  15%
Supplementary Assessment Placement observation.  Mentor assessment of professional practice.  20%
Supplementary Assessment Presentation - 10 minutes  15%
Supplementary Assessment Placement portfolio - 500 words  (resubmission if necessary)  50%
Supplementary Assessment Essay - 1500 words  15%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Relate professional practice to theory and recent research findings;

2. Plan for their own professional development;

3. Reflect upon the placement as professional development;

4. Become a reflective practitioner;

5. Summarise and evaluate their professional experience;

6. Gain the ability to identify new problems and transfer knowledge gained in one context to another, to solve a problem;

7. Demonstrate professional competencies when working with children.

Brief description

This module will enable learners to engage with their own personal and professional development through a work placement and classroom based sessions. Learners will be able to apply the latest research and theory in a practical manner and to then reflect on their experiences in the form of a work placement portfolio and oral presentation. The module will begin with an understanding of the latest theory and research regarding work with children and allow learners to fully prepare for their placement. Learners will undertake up to 160 hours of placement time over the course of the full academic year and will be supported by weekly lectures and by a trained mentor in their placement setting.


Course Delivery:

20 x 2 hour lectures/ workshops - 1 per week over 2 semesters

Semester 1
• Session 1- Module introduction, outline of assessment requirements, understanding issues of professional practice in Education and Childhood related careers
• Session 2- Effective communication and engagement with children
• Session 3- Identifying suitable placement settings, understanding reflective practice, setting targets.
• Session 4- Professional etiquette in the workplace. Roles and responsibilities, working in teams, independence and innovation
• Session 5- Planning your Learning Journey
• Session 6- Theory and practice in work based learning
• Session 7- Theories and methods of observation and recording experiences on placement. Effective use of diaries, logs and journals.
• Session 8- Issues of diversity in childhood settings
• Session 9- Inclusive practices for children with additional learning needs.
• Session 10- Updates and support on placements, initial feedback from learners, target setting.

Semester 2
• Session 11- Understanding professional frameworks and legislation in childhood settings.
• Session 12- Multi-agency working in practice
• Session 13- Methods of analysing personal learning and impact of learning. Relate back to theoretical basis for reflection and development.
• Session 14- Developing learning opportunities in childhood settings
• Session 15-Tools for effective learning in childhood settings
• Session 16- Evaluating the impact of practice on child development
• Session 17- Evaluation and analysis of placement case studies- preparing your portfolio for submission
• Session 18- Evaluation and analysis of placement case studies- preparing your portfolio for submission
• Session 19- Revisiting theories of self-reflection and evaluation

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Students may need to work with or present data where appropriate, both on placement and in the application of data in the portfolio.
Communication The ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing, will be an essential element of the placement, portfolio and presentation. Learners will also be assessed on their ability to communicate with children on placement.
Improving own Learning and Performance The ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing, will be an essential element of the placement, portfolio and presentation. Learners will also be assessed on their ability to communicate with children on placement.
Information Technology Students will need to use appropriate ICT throughout their portfolio, essay, and PowerPoint. It is likely that this will also be a relevant element within their placement.
Personal Development and Career planning Students will need to continuously reflect upon their own practice and consider their personal development.
Problem solving Students will need to show efficiency in the organisation of complex information and the ability to identify, describe and analyse the key features of the information. They will also need to take active part in the problem solving practical activities faced within the placement.
Research skills Students will need to use research skills in order to evaluate and align the practices they include in the portfolio and presentation.
Subject Specific Skills Students will develop professional skills to support their ability to work with children in a professional capacity.
Team work Whilst out on placement, students will be required to work with others and reflect upon this in their portfolio.


This module is at CQFW Level 5