Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Molecular Pharmacology
Academic Year
Semester 1
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Case study - group work  (c1500 words)  35%
Semester Assessment Workshop/practical report  (1000 words maximum plus appropriate figures)  35%
Semester Assessment Essay with Timed Release  2000 word essay with Timed Release  30%
Supplementary Assessment Supplementary Assessment - Case Study  (c1500 words)  35%
Supplementary Assessment Supplementary Assessment - Essay with Timed Release  Students must take elements of assessment equivalent to those that led to failure of the module. Essay with timed Release 2000 Words  30%
Supplementary Assessment Supplementary Assessment - Workshop/practical report  (1000 words maximum plus appropriate figures)  35%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Discuss the biochemistry and the molecular biology of human disease.

2. Discuss the pharmacological options for treating specific diseases and the mechanisms by which these treatments work.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the issues involved in developing and/or testing drugs intended for human use.

4. Analyse and present experimental results to a professional standard.

5. Supplement and integrate primary sources with the taught material.

Brief description

This module focusses on drugs and their modes of action. The course is built around a framework of clinical conditions and other health and fitness issues, to investigate how drugs work and how they are used. We highlight current medical approaches and consider challenges and the opportunities afforded by new research and technologies.


An understanding of interactions between drugs and their targets is central to both the use and development of pharmaceuticals. In addition, the actions and side effects of these drugs reveal much about the molecular mechanisms underpinning the functioning of the human body. In this module we will examine the biochemistry, pharmacology and clinical use of drugs.
Following a brief introduction to some key pharmacological principles we will focus on drugs in the context of specific systems in the human body. Diseases of the systems selected will be outlined with a particular focus on the biochemistry and molecular biology of these conditions. Other aspects of the healthy functioning of these systems may also be discussed. Focusing on the molecular biology of health and disease allows us to discuss the latest research in these areas, and the range of illnesses chosen will highlight significant new developments in our understanding of both the disease and its treatment
For each system/disease the pharmacological options will be discussed with an examination of the mechanisms by which the drugs work, the evidence for their efficacy, and the problems associated with their use (and abuse as appropriate). Throughout there will be a significant critical focus on the primary literature so that students encounter real data and understand the limitations and problems of studying drugs intended for humans.
As well as encountering a wealth of experimental data in the lectures, you will also have the opportunity of analyzing relevant data yourselves and developing skills in presenting and discussing the results to a professional level.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Processing, analysis and presentation of experimental or workshop data.
Communication Preparation of professional workshop and case study reports.
Improving own Learning and Performance
Information Technology Use of software to analyse and prepare data for presentation.
Personal Development and Career planning
Problem solving Data interpretation for case study .
Research skills Use of online bibliographies and search engines to source literature for practical and case study reports.
Subject Specific Skills Analysis of biochemical and clinical data.
Team work Demonstration of pro-active team membership via production of professional minutes and/or reflection on team contribution.


This module is at CQFW Level 6