Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Equine and Human Exercise Physiology
Academic Year
Semester 2
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Coursework essay (an experiment proposal)  (1500 words)  30%
Semester Assessment Laboratory report  40%
Semester Exam 1.5 Hours   30%
Supplementary Assessment Students must take elements of assessment equivalent to those that led to failure of the  70%
Supplementary Assessment 1.5 Hours   Students must take elements of assessment equivalent to those that led to failure of the module.  30%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the adjustment, regulation and integration of physiological systems during exercise by comparing humans to the horse.

2. Evaluate sport and exercise activities to determine physiological demand and training need by comparing humans to the horse.

3. Demonstrate awareness of a range of advanced physiological assessment techniques available for humans compared to the horse.

4. Describe the the causes of, and limitations imposed on athletic performance, when exercising in different climates or with common diseases pertinent to both species.

5. Compile a written laboratory report demonstrating the critical analysis and interpretation of data

Brief description

This module will examine the principles of exercise physiology in terms of aerobic and anaerobic capacity, fatigue and training and modern methods for evaluating performance and welfare during exercise by comparing the horse and human athlete. In addition, critical analysis of these techniques for predicting elite performance and informing training regimens will be investigated.


The topics covered by the module will include a study of aerobic and anaerobic physiology and measurement, fatigue and training, advances in technology for the investigation of equine and human exercise, thermoregulatory responses during exercise in the heat, and diseases that limit performance potential. Students will have the opportunity to experience techniques for measuring human athletic capacity through practical sessions that will utilise the state of the art human performance laboratories in the Sport and Exercise Science department. Specific issues affecting horse welfare during training and competition will be examined in terms of thermoregulation and common diseases that adversely affect the horse's health and performance.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number As part of the laboratory report students will need to perform an exercise test and calculate maximum oxygen uptake. This will require making certain assumptions which must be overcome and discussed in the report, using the data to calculate certain parameters of performance (for example, running economy).
Communication As part of this module students will have the opportunity to engage in class discussions and debates.
Improving own Learning and Performance Detailed, written, feedback will be given on the laboratory report (assessment 1) to enable improvement of student’s own learning and feedback will be support an improvement in performance for assessment 2.
Information Technology Coursework will be word processed and is expected to be completed in a professional and conventional style. Furthermore, the practical’s linked to assessments require use of a variety of technologies, such as biogas analysers and associated software as well as manipulating data using MS Excel. Therefore, the assessment will assess these skills and written feedback will be given.
Personal Development and Career planning N/A
Problem solving The coursework assignments will be related to practical scenarios and will be designed to enable students to demonstrate problem solving skills.
Research skills As part of this module students will be required to undertake reading in addition to their lectures to gain high exam marks and complete the coursework assessments. In addition students will perform a scientific investigations to complete the coursework and so this skill will be tested within the assessments and written feedback will be given.
Subject Specific Skills Students will learn how to conduct exercise-related experiments using state-of-the-art technologies which is a unique feature of this module. The module will furnish students with a knowledge of comparative human and equine exercise physiology that will equip them for assessing and enhancing the performance of athletes and ensuring their health and welfare at all times.
Team work All practicals, including those linked to assessments, will require students to work together, either as the entire group, or in smaller teams of individuals. Group work may include assignment of specific tasks to individuals for data collection and/or operating equipment, participating in exercise tests on a voluntary basis, sharing findings in order to provide accurate data to write the assessments. An inability to perform these skills will affect the data presented in the assessments and so indirectly will be assessed.


This module is at CQFW Level 5