Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Scriptwriting 2
Academic Year
Semester 2
Successful completion of Year 2
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Due to Covid-19 students should refer to the module Blackboard pages for assessment details

Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Written script  (30-45 minutes)  100%
Supplementary Assessment Written script  (30-45 minutes)  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate a detailed working knowledge of story structure, and the ability to tell a story in script form.

2. Show an ability to take script notes and to redraft a script accordingly.

3. Show they can give useful notes and criticism on other peoples’ work.

4. Show an ability to write concise and effective description and dialogue.

5. Show an ability to reveal character and characterisation through description and dialogue.

6. Write a full script.

7. Understand the requirements placed upon the writer in the industry.

8. Display the professional attitude required of a working scriptwriter.

9. Demonstrate a good understanding of the importance of redrafting a script.

Brief description

This module introduces the notion of script editing and redrafting as well as steering the student towards writing a complete script. In Scriptwriting 2, students learn how to edit scripts and peer review each other’s work. Furthermore, they will write a 60 page drama that is their own original idea, including the 20 pages of redrafted script produced as part of Scriptwriting 1.


The module is delivered over 7 x 3 hour workshops:

Week 1: The art of script editing and the importance of redrafting.

Week 2: In pairs script editing the 20 pages already written (during scriptwriting 1) based on feedback from lecturer of previous assignment which is this 20 page first draft.

Week 3: The future. A lecture on what work is out there in the industry. And a first draft meeting where each student will take notes on what to rewrite of their script led by the lecturer based on their 20 pages of script.

A short break while students rewrite these 20 pages based on first draft notes

Week 4: Preparation in groups for reading extracts from work.

Weeks 5 and 6: Presentation of written scenes read aloud and reflection on process and what has changed during redrafting.

Week 7: Guest speakers - Producer

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number
Communication Written communication skills are at the heart of all the work a student does.
Improving own Learning and Performance Students are expected to drive their own learning and to develop their own unique creative approaches.
Information Technology Students will be required to make full use of the library facilities and master internet research and computer-based script formats which are usual within the industry.
Personal Development and Career planning This will be discussed over the course, and is implicitly embedded in all assessed work.
Problem solving This element is not assessed directly, however all scriptwriting involves problem solving: what type of character will best convey a particular theme? What plot devices will most effectively propel the story to the next plot point? The effectiveness with which the author has solved problems is evident in the quality of the finished product.
Research skills The outline will reflect the student’s ability to read widely and to view long-form drama with a critical eye. They will have to apply this knowledge to make informed decisions about their own work.
Subject Specific Skills Writing a script. Understanding how to write for a three dimensional form.
Team work Students will have the opportunity to access and give feedback on each other’s work, this is particularly relevant with the collaborative story-lining element of the module.


This module is at CQFW Level 6