Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Research Project
Academic Year
Semester 2 (Taught over 2 semesters)
Mutually Exclusive
Eligibility for entry to Level 3 Spanish R410
Other Staff

Course Delivery

Delivery Type Delivery length / details
Tutorial 20 x 2 Hour Tutorials


Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Research Proposal  (ca 1000 words plus bibliography) - Written essay  20%
Semester Assessment Oral examination  (20 minutes) - Presentation  20%
Semester Assessment Dissertation  (4000 words) in target language - Written dissertation  60%
Supplementary Assessment Resubmit failed elements and/or make good any missing elements - Written dissertation and / or Oral examination  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. demonstrate their ability to use a range of relevant research methods and techniques;
2. be able to organise their research within the given frameworks (time management, structuring);
3. formulate a research question that is of appropriate scope and depth for this dissertation;
4. read critically scholarship in their field of study in the target language;
5. structure arguments in a coherent and convincing manner, showing awareness of key issues
6. write a dissertation in compliance with the formal requirements of the discipline, including referencing and bibliography.
7. present the methodology used and the findings of the research project in a convincing manner in Spanish
8. to engage in an intellectual discussion in the follow up to the presentation
9. to be able to use written academic language accurately


The Research Project module is the continuation of the Study and Research Skills in Spanish and Latin American Level 1 module, a core element of the proposed single honors degree. Its aim is to facilitate a supervised research project for students to showcase their understanding of the history and culture of the target language and of the countries where it is spoken. Written in the target language to a high linguistic standard, students can demonstrate their ability to present research and structure arguments convincingly and put into practice their ability to conduct research using foreign sources and use the various research methodologies learnt.

Brief description

Dissertation on a topic chosen by the supervisor, arising from the student’s own interest. This module offers Level 2 single honours students the opportunity to study under close supervision a specific topic related to their target language in greater detail. It will equip students with a knowledge of research methods, and the research and presentation skills, both oral and written, necessary for the successful completion of their degree. It also allows students to develop their ability to work independently and to solve problems arising from the research itself.


Important dates during the year are:
- student will meet the module convener during the first week of teaching: depending on their topic of interest they will be allocated a supervisor
- before week 4 and in conjunction with the student’s supervisor the topic and the Research Project title will be agreed
- In December: submission of research proposal
- Oral examination and submission: week before summer exam period

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Students may use statistical analysis as part of their research work
Communication Development of clear and accurate expression in writing and speaking the target language.
Improving own Learning and Performance Students will develop independent study skills by researching, debating with their supervisor and peers and by writing a dissertation
Information Technology Students will have to use accurately all forms of digital Humanities available on-line
Personal Development and Career planning Working independently. Identifying and prioritising research questions. Developing ideas in written and oral form. Recognising and overcoming difficulties in the research and writing process.
Problem solving Students have to formulate their research question/s, in collaboration with their supervisor. They have to locate primary and secondary literature and identify and overcome difficulties in the research and writing process (access to documents, sensitive topics, etc.).
Research skills Students will be instructed how to locate and use primary and secondary sources, how to develop their own independent research skills and how to gain confidence in bringing together original and innovative research methods and ideas.
Subject Specific Skills Independent research; academic Spanish writing; use of rhetorical and persuasive written skills; academic oral expression.
Team work Students will be working with a supervisor and they will be gaining the necessary skills to work both independently and in conjunction with his/her supervisor


This module is at CQFW Level 5