Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Language Enhancement for University Study (Study Route C)
Academic Year
Semester 2
IELTS 5.0 or IELTS 6.0 depending on the Pathway being followed
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Progress Tests (Grammar & Vocabulary)  Grammar & Vocabulary  30%
Semester Assessment Portfolio Presentation  10 minutes  30%
Semester Assessment End of Module Exam  120 minutes  40%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Use a range of functions, structures and vocabulary to communicate effectively in informal and academic contexts

Organize their learning materials in such a way that they can use them to enhance learning

Show evidence of being able to carry out research on a limited basis and report findings

Select relevant information from a range of textual formats (e.g. qualitative, tabular and graphic data, reports, textbooks and articles) and reformulate it in written or spoken form

Engage in extended reading of general texts including newspaper/magazine articles, novels and general non-fiction

Be able to cite sources effectively and compile an accurate bibliography using the Harvard style

Brief description

Language Enhancement for University Study, is one of 3 core English language skill development modules that make up the 20 hours of study per week of the IFC Block 2 course. The fourth core Block 2 module is delivered by the subject specific academic department.
This module will develop, extend and consolidate the general & academic language and study skills needed for successful study at AU.
The UK higher education systems and those of the wider cultural system in which it is embedded will also be covered.


1. To develop, extend and consolidate students’ general language skills – integrated reading, writing, listening and speaking (skills development) and communicative competence
2. To develop, extend and consolidate students’ grammar and vocabulary skills and knowledge (language input)
3. To give practice in the independent learner study skills required to function effectively in a higher education learning environment


Due to the nature of each IFC cohort of students, the IFC course will need to be flexible and responsive to students’ needs. It is a student centered syllabus.

The outline below is indicative of the course that this module will cover.

Week 1,2,3,4 Course Introduction

Integrated language skills at CEFR B1, B2 & C1 levels
Grammar focus at CEFR B1, B2 & C1 levels
Culture topics including: gender, education, political, business, art, crime, sport and technology issues etc.

Week 5,6,7,8

Integrated language skills at CEFR B2 & C1 levels
Grammar focus at CEFR B2 & C1 levels
Culture topics including: gender, education, political, business, art, crime, sport and technology issues etc.

Week 9, 10,11,12 Integrated language skills at CEFR B2 & C1 levels
Grammar focus at CEFR B2 & C1 levels
Culture topics including: gender, education, political, business, art, crime, sport and technology issues etc.
Revision and exam preparation

Week 13 Module assessment

Week 14 Further teaching

Week 15 Module feedback + tutorial support

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number
Communication This module develops communication and literacy skills through weekly presentations and vocabulary extension activities
Improving own Learning and Performance This module incorporates targeted individual learning tutorials to encourage students to assess and analyze their own learning and performance.
Information Technology Students will also be encouraged to search the web for sources of information and use presentation software for the presentations.
Personal Development and Career planning
Problem solving Developing language skills involves problem solving to find and record the key information required to comprehend texts
Research skills This module will involve students actively and independently researching topics for presentations
Subject Specific Skills Academic English study skills
Team work This module involves students working in pairs and teams to develop their language skills


This module is at CQFW Level 3