Effective Contribution Scheme (ECS)

The Effective Contribution Scheme is:

The aim of the ECS is to allow a discussion between an employee and their direct line manager to ensure that each individual can maximise the quality and impact of their contribution whilst also considering their training needs.

It gives an opportunity to provide appropriate support for development to enable performance in individual roles, manage workload and wider wellbeing conversations. 

  • Each member of staff will have one meeting within each academic year. The dates of the ECS are set as relevant to the current academic year for compliance and reporting.
  • Your ECS can provide evidence to support your probation, which may have different dates to your ECS
  • The first page of your new ECS contains information relating to your main job role only.  
    • This information is taken from ABW and cannot be amended on the ECS system.  If you believe that the information is incorrect, please contact Hyffoddi-Train so that we can look into this matter.
    • If for some reason your Line Manager has changed, please contact us again to change.
    • If you have more than one job role, and you wish to have an ECS for both roles, please download the ECS as a word doc (see link below) and then upload your second role onto page 2 so that all your ECS are held on one file.
  • You are able to upload relevant and current information into your ECS that may relate to training that you have done, or other information relating to you WAMM or PeRP that support your ECS
  • We hope that your ECS will enable you and your Line Manger to have meaningful conversations about your career expectations and flexibility of your current job role
  • Joins up the conversation about role and career development 

During the ECS meeting  personal goals and training needs should be clearly linked to the aims and objectives of the Department and to the university’s strategic aims.

All members of staff are required to record their ECS electronically through https://myhr.aber.ac.uk

Further training and information will be available following the launch of the new ECS system.  We value your feedback and encourage you to respond with comments and questions or requests for further training by emailing: hr@aber.ac.uk 

Please see the training information video at the bottom of the page for more information

These guidance notes are from the original ECS, which you are welcome to use.

Guidance for Reviewees

The new ECS system is designed for your Line Manager to review and it does not have a second reviewer requirement. If however, you wish to have your ECS viewed by a second member of staff, you are able to download a copy and email this to. 

The following guidance link below relates to the old ECS system ECS Reviewer Online Process Guidance  

Guidance for Reviewers

For guidance for reviewers using the Effective Contribution Scheme online portal click on ECS Reviewer Online Process Guidance

Guidance for Academic Staff 

Effective Contribution Scheme - Guidance for Academic Staff

Guidance for professional staff

Effective Contribution Scheme - Guidance for Non-academic Staff

ECS for staff grade 1 - 5

To enable as many staff as possible to complete their Effective Contribution conversations a Word-based form for use by staff on Grades 1 -5 is available for managers to use. This can be uploaded onto the ECS system.


There is a powerpoint video to watch below - here is a PDF of the slides -

If you have any questions about how to use this form please contact your HR Business Partner at: hr@aber.ac.uk