Last updated: May 20, 2001

Comments on tests: positive and negative together in the same comment..

Record no: 327
Positive: True

Negative: True

change the 10 minute break to a 2 minute break.

and let no talk.

I think that these tests are far better than the written tests.

Record no: 331
Positive: True

Negative: True

When the answers wrap around lines, putting a <HR> after

each answer would make them less confusing...

Tests during the year are a great idea, as people

are encouraged to revise from an early time.

The computer versions of the tests were fantastic, as

more data could be got about "answering trends" in a

way that the test could be updated to make it less

ambiguous... in a written test this would not be possible.

Its great, I think other departments + modules in CS

should do them too. They are fun!

Questions were repeated exactly in

test A and B!

The other good thing about Q.P is...

-> Lecturers don't need to mark

papers or feed them through unreliable

and often time consuming OMR machines

-> There is less chance of mistakes.

-> So, there you have it - better for the lecturer,

better for the student. Great!

Record no: 332
Positive: True

Negative: True

I prefer this instead the paper one, only

that the screen sometimes is too small,

- or the program is too big too fit on

the screen - which makes it

harder for the student to follow the


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