Study Options

At Aberystwyth we offer various foundation degrees, single honours, joint honours, major/minor degree combinations and integrated Masters across our subject areas
Don’t worry if you are not sure what these qualifications mean, we will explain each and every one of them below. Here’s an overview of the ways in which you can study at Aberystwyth.
Each degree is made up of a package of modules – topics within the subject. Core modules are ones you must study as part of the course. You can then choose from a set of optional modules.
You will mainly be taught through formal lectures, with a seminar session soon after, where you can discuss points raised in the lecture in a smaller group setting. Your work will be assessed through several ways, ranging from course work, exams to practical assessments of laboratory and fieldwork, an evaluation of your contribution to group and seminar presentations, and project work.
Generally, there are six types of degree available to you at Aberystwyth: