Short Programmes Abroad


Spending a short time overseas can give you some of the benefits of immersion in another culture.

Short Opportunities do not need departmental approval (if outside of term-time), and don't earn you AU credit, but they are a great and affordable way to travel and get the benefits of study or work abroad without prolonging your studies. 

We offer funding opportunities for approved placements lasting between 3 days - 4 weeks (European destinations) and 2 - 12 weeks worldwide. These placements can include; working, studying or volunteering abroad. 


Next Steps

Use a variety of sources to help you find a short opportunity:

  • Global Opportunities Teams Channel (details below)
  • Careers Service
  • Personal research

Once you have found a placement that you are interested in, email to make an appointment to discuss funding opportunities. To be eligible for funding, your placement must offer some sort of academic/employability benefit, and this will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 

After your eligibility for grant funding has been confirmed, you can continue with your application to the short opportunity, keeping Global Opportunities posted on your progress. 

Please note that funding is provided on a first come/first served basis. 

Global Opportunities Teams Channel

We share news and information on short programmes abroad via our digital notice board. Just send a message to and we will be happy to give you access.

European Opportunities Funding

The European Opportunities Fund is unique to Aberystwyth, made possible by the very generous donation of a former Aberystwtyh student. 

The fund helps towards living and travel costs for short activities in European destinations. It is available to part-time and full-time UK domiciled students on foundation, undergraduate or taught-Masters courses, who wish to work, study, volunteer or attend conferences. 

To be eligible you must: 

  • Be a UK-domiciled student on foundation, UG, or taught-Masters course
  • Take part in a programme of 3 days - 4 weeks in a European country 
  • Programme must have an academic, learning or work experience focus (i.e. not a holiday)

In conjunction with this funding, Global Opportunities also invite students to apply to the GO Green Challenge. The GO Green Challenge offers students the opportunity to apply for additional funding to help them achieve a short sustainable opportunity in Europe. For more information please visit the GO Green Challenge webpage.