What is the process?


Exchange Study and Work Placements

Please speak to your departmental coordinator about their deadline to apply. 

Research your options

Think about what you want to get out of studying or working abroad.

Explore our partner university lists on the GO website (study) or speak with your industrial year coordinator for suggestions (industry/work).

Consider whether the destination is appropriate for your study scheme and supports your academic objectives (do they offer the modules you need).

Research things like cost of living and whether it will be easy to find accommodation.

Choose three options (including one EU/EEA) and make an appointment to speak about these with your Departmental Coordinator.

Securing your placement - exchange study placement


Once you have chosen 3 universities, contact your departmental coordinator to discuss them. Your departmental coordinator will nominate you to Global Opportunities and pass on your three choices to us. 

NOTE: Some universities have early applications, and so earlier deadlines may apply. 


Global Opportunities will allocate you a place at one of our partner universities. 

The process is competitive, your choices are not guaranteed as the number of places available does alter each year, some universities may be unavailable or places limited. When places are limited, deciding factors will include your academic standing and attendance record. 

Securing your placement - work placement

Consult your Departmental Coordinator/Industrial Year Coordinator for initial advice on finding and securing a suitable work placement. They will need to approve your desired work placement. 

Once your desired work placement has been approved, you and your departmental coordinator need to contact Global Opportunities to confirm the placement details. 

Please note that your department may require additional documentation to be completed and submitted to support your work placement.