REF:66-2111-5704111 - Online sessions

Your comment: I think students should have an option to join the lecturers/seminars remotely. Instead of missing lessons it can give them a way to learn. That being only making online an option in specific circumstances, but would have to have reasonable reasons such having e to travel home for health related appointments which could help students to carry on without missing any work and have to catch up or mis vital information from lessons

Our response:

The department is implementing the policy on remote learning that has been dictated by the university. We are, as always, open to considering individual cases as they arise and, if it is feasible and not disruptive, your tutors may be able to allow for remote access. In many cases, however, given the nature of the practice based disciplines studied within the department this is not possible. If you know in advance that you will have to miss a session for medical reasons, as you suggest, talk to your module tutor and personal tutor, they will be able to advise you on the best options.