REF:66-2104-9757015 - Online learning option
Your comment: I think from now on we should have a permanent choice of whether to study face to face or online, as learning online has worked well for a lot of people i.e. mature students, people not living in student accommodation and are a distance away, are more confident communicating online etc. Also, if we are wearing masks and are separated in exam hall-type rooms for practicals/seminars, communication is more restricted than it would be online (in my opinion) as when learning online we are typically in our own environment without any muffled communication with masks. I also think that assessments in lieu of the exam are the way forward to replace the traditional exam format. It is old fashioned and outdated, as we are expected to submit all coursework electronically, yet we then go back to traditional pen and paper for exams. Having the option to complete traditional exams in halls via laptop (as we are predominantly accustomed to) could be an alternative. Mental/physical health has also been adversely affected by the changes due to the pandemic. So I think we should temporarily be able to have the chance to resit module exams, in which poor health may have caused a lower grade than in normal circumstances. I think this has opened our eyes to the benefits of learning online.
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