REF: 66-2312-3212902 - Mathematics Timetable

Your comment: Our timetable (first year mathematics students) for semester 2 currently has Thursdays as 6 hours straight, all in different buildings so we won't be able to eat lunch etc in the ten-minute gaps either. Originally, this was brought up in the rep meeting and it had changed to a more manageable timetable. However, it has now changed back to 6 hours full on. I know the timetable is not fully decided on until just before teaching starts again but I would like to draw attention to this before it is too late.

Our response:
Thank you for providing feedback on the semester 2 timetable for year 1 Mathematics students. Please be assured that we are aware of this issue and are working closely with staff in the department to resolve the scheduling problems on Thursdays. Your timetable will be updated with the new schedule of teaching activities before we close for the Christmas break