REF: 66-2405-8624522 - Praise for IP29820

Your comment: IP29820
This module (IP29820 - China From the Opium War to the Present) has been my favourite since beginning my studies here at Aberystwyth. We recently filled out our SES in class, and the lecturer has been in touch to follow-up on our comments. Unsurprisingly, the module scored very highly (100%) in all areas. I thought using the 'Tell Us Now' survey would be an opportunity to highlight this at a departmental/ higher level.The content of the module has been very interesting, from beginning to end. I had never studied anything relating to China before choosing this module, and the module itself stood out as unique; before choosing to attend Aberystwyth University, I compared potential module choices across universities, and the opportunity to study topics relating to China were lacking. The module appears completely unique, and to be guided through by a specialist has made the module even more insightful. It has been my experience that the way in which a module is delivered determines the level of enjoyment and engagement in learning the content. The module convener, Dr. John Wood, is a credit to the Department. He has delivered cutting-edge knowledge and research in an accessible manner, whilst being open to discussion and debate. This meant the lectures and seminars were intellectually stimulating, and allowed me to engage in ways I have not in other modules: I am usually a quiet student who does not enjoy participating in lectures due to a fear of humiliation. However, Dr. Wood provided a comfortable space in which to learn and for the first time since arriving at the university, I have actively participated in every seminar. This was because I felt safe to take part in the debate without fear of judgement or being told I was wrong. Furthermore, the content discussed within seminars was built on the content of the thought-provoking lectures, meaning engagement in self-study to prepare for the sessions was a very enjoyable opportunity to further my knowledge and develop my own thoughts and opinions, rather than a task which had to be completed. In addition, Dr. Wood's friendly and approachable manner meant I felt comfortable seeking guidance on my assignment choices. Again, this is not something I have done before for fear of intimidation or burdening already busy staff members. But Dr. Wood made sure every student felt valued and that help was on hand whenever we needed it. Dr Wood's teaching style has been exceptional throughout the module, and, in my opinion, of a higher standard than some Senior Lecturers in the Department. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to study this module. It has inspired my dissertation topic, so I hope I will be able to benefit further from Dr. Wood's guidance and expertise as I take this on. I look forward to other students being granted the same opportunity to study this exceptional module next year.

Our response:

Thank you for your feedback and very full and generous comments about your experiences with Dr Wood. I am very pleased to learn that you had such a satisfactory and productive experience on this module.