REF:66-2108-3871720 - Reading recommendations

Your comment: I would like to see some pre reading recommendations to feel more prepared for the academic year, and maybe a course schedule as some modules do not include this. It would make it easier to schedule and plan any readings beforehand.

Our response:

The reading lists for the modules you mentioned are listed below and are available to view online.
BR26620 Proteins and Enzymes | Aberystwyth University (

  • Three items on the list - print copies in the library (no e-book access at institutional level) although the ‘Introduction to protein structure’ item does have a linked preview where you can view the table of contents and a few pages within the book.

BR25620 RD25620 Research Methods | Aberystwyth University (

  • Three items on the list - print copies but two have the preview option to see the table of contents and a few pages from the book.

BR26520 One Health Microbiology | Aberystwyth University (

  • Remember to sign in to Primo
  • Click the Online access link and then the Askews and Holts link 
  • The other three titles listed are print copies in the library.

With regards your course schedule, this will be available to you when you have registered and enrolled on the modules just before teaching starts.