REF:66-2010-5078713 - Confusing Powerpoint presentations

Your comment: Module: BR20620 I enjoy this module so far and communication is excellent especially in the current climate of Covid-19. However, i find the powerpoint presentations quite confusing, making it difficult to study at home and gain a comprehensive understanding.

Our response:

Thank you for your positive feedback regarding this module. I’ve asked the module coordinator to remind the module list of the support that is in place. In brief

• There is an activity checklist for each week and the final item is always along the lines of make a note of any material you found difficult or would like to check your understanding of and engage with the signposted routes to let staff know to prepare and go through in the next week's live session.

• There are discussion boards, SurveyMonkey polls and email routes (all of which we remind the students about the existence of frequently) but there has been little engagement with them.

• Quizzes via Kahoot or in the live sessions are used to assess student understanding which has picked up some points for covering again during those sessions.

• Live sessions are recorded for those unable to attend.