REF:66-2111-6312911 - HA20120 module content

Your comment: HA20120 Dylai yno fwy o hanesyddiaeth yn gael ei ddysgu, teimladd bod yno ormod o bethau adain chwith yn gael ei ddysgu, Mae yno llawer o son am hanesyddiaeth haneswyr y dun mawr ond dim specific gwaith amdano. Roedd Marxaidd yn gael ei ddysgu mwy na unwaith mewn gweithdu ag darlithoedd, tydi hynny ddim yn fy marn i yn rhoid cyd balans ag rhoid digon o amrwyiaeth ir modiwl.

Our response:

It was suggested that there was too much content on Marxism and left wing material in the module. Of the ten learning weeks, one of them deals with Marxism and history, including the effect of Marxist historians on the development of the subject. The historians discussed in this class had an impact beyond Marxists and therefore their influence and their ideas come up from time to time in other classes. It is worth noting that the purpose of modules such as this one is to build knowledge on the growth of History as a subject and, naturally, some historians influenced others, whether they shared the same ideas or not.  Without understanding this it is difficult to understand all sorts of other developments in the development of History as a subject and as a way of understanding the past. The module is not yet over and it should be viewed in relation to its development over the semester. I can send a message to students to remind them of this.