REF:66-2010-805702 - Difficulty contributing in online sessions

Your comment: Module: WR20220 I have a small issue that occurred in a teams call, not concerning teaching, because the content was useful, but I found it real difficult/impossible to get into the discussion due to the same couple of people just commandeering the discussion, which really just made me demotivated to even try. So, moving forward, could you please curb some of these people just so everyone can have a say, because I know I'm not the only person who felt that way.

Our response:

Thank you for raising your concerns. In the light of your comments the Head of Department has issued a reminder to all teaching staff to ensure that they provide opportunities for all students to contribute during seminars and workshops. All staff received training over the summer in the use of Teams as a teaching environment - we are augmenting this training with additional sessions over the following weeks that will focus on managing the online classroom. Once again, thank you for your useful observations and for bearing with us whilst our staff and students settle into these new ways of working.