REF: 66-2305-1848522 - CS22120: Lesson Scripts

Your comment: CS22120: 
One thing I forgot to add in the meq, but was so helpful I thought it'd be worth adding a comment. Having a script for every lecture made my life so much easier in studying, I have bad hearing (and auto cc is awful) so not needing to replay a section 50 times to hear what the lecturer is trying to say was extremely appreciated. It'd be nice if more modules could do the same but I understand that takes a lot of work.

Our response:

It is great to see appreciation of the immense work that needs to be invested to create a proper transcript and also that the automatic captioning that is offered is not really fit for purpose, at least not in a subject with many technical terms that will frequently be transcribed incorrectly when done automatically.
Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to provide this for all modules. We hope that the slides and additional learning material (either individually created or provided on reading lists) can help to mitigate.