REF: 66-2301-3342413 - Gender Neutral Signs

Your comment: I think it's really great that the bathrooms across campus have access to menstruation products, regardless of the gender of the bathroom, but I don't necessarily like how the signs about them refer to people who menstruate as women. The association with women can be really harmful to a lot of trans* and gender non-conforming people. Whilst I understand that it does statistically affect people who identify as women more, it seems a little dismissive of the trans* and GNC community here within Aber. It's great that such inclusion is being encouraged, as well as highlighting global period poverty, but would it not be more inclusive to use terms such as 'people who menstruate' instead of 'women', just because it disregards entire collectives of people within one word? I personally think it's for the better, and would be a more positive reflection on the values the university promotes if gender inclusive language were used.

Our response:

Thank you for your comments - and to confirm that this is already under review as we are looking to change supplier of the products used across the University. This will lead to updating the signage and information to include more inclusive language. Our hope is that this work will be undertaken in time for the start of the 2023-24 Academic Year.