REF:66-2203-6792503 - Composting on campus

Your comment: It is pleasing to see the switch to compostable containers in the catering and hospitality across campus. However, there seem to be no composting bins? This seems to be something that would be easy to implement. It could even, be linked with research into energy extraction from compostable ware, or it's potential use on crops etc.? Missed opportunity?

Our response:

Many thanks for your Tell us Now submission in respect of onsite composting.

Unfortunately, as you have identified, the University does not currently have composting options on Campus, with the infrastructure in the area not currently available. Likewise our current Dry Mixed Recycling waste stream is unable to accept compostable materials, and as a result this material will be required to be disposed of via the General Waste stream. Any general waste that cannot be recycled will go through an incineration process, with some energy creation benefits.

We can however accept compostable packaging through our food waste supplier, and the University is soon to undertake a review of both Dry Mixed Recycling and Food Waste provision as part of forthcoming changes to Welsh Government Legislation. For further information visit

So, whilst the current provision is only available for waste left within Hospitality outlets, we hope that enhanced food waste options will be available around campus in more public areas in the near future and your feedback will be taken into account as part of this review,