REF: 66-2212-7103609 - Superteams Entry

Your comment: For Superteams because it's so popular would it be possible to make the allocations a bit fairer? One suggestion would be to limit all clubs/socs to one team for the mens and one team for the womens, then open it up to having multiple teams per club/soc after a couple of hours or days? This way it would ensure more clubs/socs could have teams participating, thus making it more fun, rather than some clubs having 4 teams while others are unable to get a single team despite logging on for when registration opened. Thank you!

Our response:

We’ve considered several ways over the years to try and make Superteams entry fairer, but we believe the fairest option is complete luck of the draw through online registration. It’s an extremely popular event and we completely appreciate that due to this not all students will be able to participate, and that it can be frustrating when it appears that some groups of students have more teams than others. However Superteams is a student event and not a club or society specific event, therefore if we were to limit entries judging by the club or society they are a part of this would mean that we take the opportunity away from other students (not involved in student groups) to be able to compete. These student groups who’ve been fortunate to get more than one team could just enter as a group of friends and not as part of their club/society and so it would be impossible to manage.
There is also the fact that we have over 120 clubs and societies and space for only 28 women’s teams and 28 men’s teams, therefore offering a team per club or society would be unmanageable as if all were to take up the offer we would be massively over capacity. We’re sorry to hear that you were unable to get a team. If we could logistically make it bigger we absolutely would! If you would like to get involved in the event through other means though we are looking for student volunteers to help at the event. If you are interested please get in touch with our Student Opportunities Officer on