REF:66-2011-5192327 - Facilities in the Students' Union

Your comment: I came to this university 5 years ago, all but different circumstances economically I agree, and with COVID as well, but having said that I have visited multiple universities up and down the country, universities with less student numbers than us and what they offer is just head and shoulders above what our SU provides. I don’t know a single university SU in this country that doesn’t show live football on Sky and BT, a massive draw for all manners of students, even in difficult times the SU closing times outside of lockdown and rules (10pm) are shocking. It seems there has been no innovation at all from the SU other than £2 for 2 pints, any SU has offers like that and not just for a  promotional period to get rid of dating stock but all the time. Cheap drinks need to stay. The SU practically has no social media presence at all, other than the President posting occasionally, usually not actually regarding the SU. The food quality is inconsistent and lacking any USP’s. the events at the SU regardless of COVID have been getting less and less. The money that needs pumping into the SU to turn it back into a place to come to and not a derelict looking hotspot for 5 people to play pool a night. The SU needs expanding, the large function room needs to be a space used all the time with ping pong tables and good music, invest in quality things like a better juke box system, people won’t come if the quality is poor. My best example of the SU being tight is getting rid of the best seller strong bow dark fruits and introducing magners dark fruits because it’s cheaper per unit. Come on SU you could compete with other establishments in town, you have the space and the draw but because of the lack of funding, imagination and want from who ever is In charge has turned the place into a clear dump!! 

Our response:

Thank you for your feedback. You raise a number of points and I hope to address them below:

  1. Obviously Covid-19 has impacted hugely on what we can and can’t do this year. Events are essentially outlawed at the moment – we had a great programme planned for Freshers 2020 and beyond but that had to be shelved with Welsh Government restrictions and replaced with an on-line programme. We don’t anticipate that changing during this academic year but will be reviewing our events provision once things become clearer.
  2. There are plans to invest in the SU building and spaces with a major refurbishment – I have copied in the SU chief Executive for further comment about this
  3. Regarding prices, we have listened to feedback and have introduced pricing offers in response. For January we plan to have a series of ‘Welcome Back’ drink promotions
  4. We will be looking again at Sky TV in 2021 but at the moment with the very restricted capacity of the SU bar, it is not viable nor can large groups gather to enjoy it
  5. I am surprised by your comments about the food offer as this is not consistent with the general feedback which has been very positive
  6. The main function room is required by student clubs and societies to meet for their activities and as such we can’t unfortunately give it over to your suggestions all the time