REF:66-2102-7252515 - Books available online

Your comment: Module: AB27220 - The core text books haven't and still aren't accessible online      

Our response:

Your query was passed to our Subject Librarians who investigated the essential readings for AB27220. Unfortunately, Consumer Behaviour by Blythe is not available to buy as an institutional ebook, however there are a few print copies available for our click and collect / postal loan services.

There is an ebook for Consumer Behaviour: a European outlook by Schiffman et al and there is now a View Online button for it in the Aspire reading list. The module coordinator has said that students have been informed that key teachings/readings are to be undertaken from this book. The ebook currently only supports two simultaneous users, however if there are turnaways we will buy more copies. Please contact the Subject Librarians on if you have any further questions about the reading list or problems accessing resources for your studies.