REF: 66-2306-944302 - Bring Back Nosh Da

Your comment: Please bring back Nosh Da! It filled a good gap for Uni food delivery, and the food was fairly good, despite the menu becoming unreliable shortly before the service was stopped.

Our response:

Thank you for the tell us now regarding the Nosh delivery service. This was stopped last June 2022 and was not resumed at the start of this year due to demand falling after COVID restrictions eased. In order to compensate for this we have amended our service times and style to be able to offer hot food in the Foodhall 7 days a week , and up to 9 O’clock in the evenings as well.  

It is felt that in order for us to be able to offer the best value to students (including a £2.50 hot meal) this is best achieved by keeping our costs as low as possible in order for us to ensure we can offer our food at the lowest possible price. With the incumbent costs that come with a delivery service, as well as the proliferation of other food delivery portals for students, it was felt there is not the need for us to engage in this market as it brought no benefit to the students. 

Whilst we thank you for your comments, there are no plans to reintroduce this service at the present moment in time. However we always do review our service provision to be in line with the student needs, so if this does change then we will of course revisit this.