Aber People

What is Aber People?

Aber People is the way people-related services are accessed and delivered across Aberystwyth University.  It provides access to:

  • payslips
  • booking holiday leave
  • recording personal development
  • managing your team.

What does Aber People do?

Individual members of staff can view their own personal data, make some changes or make requests such as holiday leave and track its progress on line. We can see exactly where our request is, whether for holiday, for time-sheets or for a contractual change, and what its status is. 

Recruiters or managers can manage systems and processes online through a single centralised environment.  This gives access to improved real-time data and clear reports with accurate overview information on our team or department.

How do I find out more?

There is a Self-Service User Guide which contains a comprehensive list of the menu and functions within the system.  


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