Graduate route

The Graduate route is available to international students who have successfully completed a degree at undergraduate level or above, and who wish to stay in the UK to look for work, start a new job, or be self-employed.

The Graduate route will provide graduates an opportunity to gain work experience in the UK and embark on their chosen career paths.

We would advise students who are considering the Graduate route to seek the services of our Careers team who will be able to provide guidance and support in applying to graduate level jobs.

Eligibility requirements

  • You need to successfully complete your undergraduate or postgraduate course and have received confirmation that the University has notified the Home Office of your successful course completion.
  • Your current Student visa or Tier 4 visa has not expired, or you have been granted ‘exceptional assurance’ due to Covid-19.
  • Your study must be undertaken in the UK:
    • if your course is 12 months or less - all study must have been in UK
    • if your course is over 12 months - a minimum of 12 months of study must have been in UK
  • Covid-19 concessions have been made for students who have undertaken distance learning outside of the UK.
  • You will need to be in the UK to submit your application.
  • If in the last twelve months, you have received financial sponsorship (not including Aberystwyth University scholarships), then you will need the permission from your sponsors to extend your stay in the UK on the Graduate route.
  • You will not be able to add dependants that are not currently in the UK, the only exception is babies that have been born in the UK.
  • You have not been granted Graduate route or Doctorate Extension Scheme permission before.

How long can you stay in the UK?

  • Undergraduate and Masters students will be able to stay in the UK for two years.
  • PhD students will be able to stay in the UK for three years.
  • It will not be possible to extend this type of immigration permission, but it will be possible to switch into another route, if you meet the requirements, for example Skilled Worker visa.

How much will it cost?

  • You will need to pay an application fee of £822 per person
  • You will need to pay an Immigration Health Surcharge payment:
    • Undergraduate and Masters students - £2,070 per person
    • PhD students - £3,105 per person

Supporting documents needed

  • Valid passport
  • Current biometric residence permit (BRP)
  • CAS number - you will be able to find this on the email that you receive from the University when your course completion has been reported to the Home Office
  • Letter from your financial sponsor giving you permission to extend your stay in the UK under the Graduate route – only applicable if you have received financial sponsorship in the last 12 months

How to apply?

  • You will need to wait until you receive an email from the University letting you know that your successful completion of your course has been reported to the Home Office. The email will include your CAS number which you will need for your application.
  • Complete the on-line application form
  • As part of your application, you’ll need to prove your identity:
    • Usually this is done by scanning your passport with the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app.
    • If you are not able to use the with the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app, you’ll be asked to get your fingerprints and photograph taken at a UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) service point.

After you have applied

  • You must not travel outside of the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man until you get a decision. Your application will be withdrawn if you do.
  • You should get a decision on your application within 8 weeks.
  • Your Graduate route permission will start once your application has been approved.
  • You need to continue meeting the conditions of your current Student or Tier 4 visa until you receive a decision on your Graduate route application.

Further advice - on-line webinars

We will be running face to face and on-line webinars, for students who currently hold a Tier 4 (General) or Student visa, to provide information on how to apply to the Graduate route on the following dates:

In the meantime, if you need help with your Graduate route application, please contact the International Student Advisor on