Miss Amy Nicholass MEnvSci

Tutor in Science and Humanities
Contact Details
- Email: amn18@aber.ac.uk
- Office: 0.01, Penbryn Building 5
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 628438
- Personal Pronouns: She/her
Amy is the Project Officer for the Transport and Health Integrated research NetworK - THINK.
This is a Health Care Research Wales funded project to better integrate transport and health through research development and maximising the impact of evidence in policy and practice. Amy will support the research team to enhance the knowledge and skills of people working in transport and health, by creating opportunities for bringing together people from different sectors and disciplines. THINK will focus on developing knowledge and practice in four specific inter-related areas:
- the impact of vehicles on air and noise pollution and subsequently the health of the public,
- injuries and deaths stemming from vehicle crashes,
- the impact of active travel (walking and cycling) on health and;
- the impact of vehicles on community severance.
Amy has previously managed research projects related to environmental and health challenges from an academic perspective whilst working at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and from a practitioner perspective whilst in the policy team at Eunomia Research and Consulting.
Amy is a keen cyclist and walker and enjoys being outside in nature, especially in the sea.