Sarah Riley's book published

14 October 2014
Congratulations to Dr Sarah Riley for her recently published book with co-author Dr Adrienne Evans (Coventry University). The book, entitled Technologies of Sexuality, covers the topic of Sex, Identity, and Consumer Culture. It has been championed as ‘bold’ ‘rigorous’ and a ‘blueprint for social science’ (Hammack, 2014). The book is available now from Oxford University Press.
"Technologies of Sexiness makes a very welcome and productive contribution to work in this area. There is so much repetition and 'stuckness' in contemporary academic writing about gender -- this was an absolute delight to read for its rejection of that and its determination to do something different." --Feona Attwood, Professor of Cultural Studies, Communication & Media, Middlesex University London
"Technologies of Sexiness locates the contemporary preoccupation with female sexual confidence and desirability within the growing dominance of consumerism, postfeminism, and neoliberalism. Evans and Riley have written an engaging and accessible book that will be essential reading for students interested in transformations of intimacy, changing gender relations, and debates about the sexualization of culture." --Rosalind Gill, Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, School of Arts and Social Sciences, City University London
"This book offers an illuminating blend of social psychology, media studies and gender and sexuality theories to develop the innovative conceptual lens of technologies of feminine sexiness. Through detailed analysis of both contemporary postfeminist, sexualised media contexts and women's experiences, it demonstrates the psychosocial, performative play of a heterosexualized, otherizing gaze amongst women. This gives us a much needed insight into the psychology of new femininities through rich empirical research accounts, which are often missing from the abstract, theoretical or solely textual evocations of postfeminist media cultures. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in contemporary debates on postfeminism, femininity, heterosexuality and subjectivity." --Jessica Ringrose, Professor, Sociology of Gender and Education Institute of Education, University of London