Dr Yeghiazar Taroyan

Contact Details
- Email: yot@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0003-4162-8219
- Office: 3.11, Physical Sciences Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622218
- Personal Website: http://users.aber.ac.uk/yot
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=D5sSwtIAAAAJ
- Research Portal Profile
The launch of SoHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) in the late nineties marked the beginning of a golden age in solar physics. I became fascinated by the wealth of possibilities involved in solar physics research and did my PhD at Sheffield University.
After completing my PhD in 2003 I moved to Armagh Observatory to work as a PDRA. In 2006, I was awarded a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship.
Since 2010 I am a member of Solar System Physics Group, Department of Physics, Aberystwyth University.
Module Coordinator
- PH19010 - Energy and the Environment
- PH39620 - Astrophysics I: Physics of the Sun
- PH18010 - Astronomy
- PH39620 - Astrophysics I: Physics of the Sun
- PH18010 - Astronomy
- PH19010 - Energy and the Environment
- PH18010 – Astronomy
- PH19010 – Energy and Environment
- PH24610 – Stars
- PH34610 -- Galaxies
- PH38310 - The Solar Interior
- PH38410 – Solar Atmosphere
- PH35620 – Third and Fourth Year Projects in Selected Topics
- PhD Supervision
I am primarily interested in the physics of space plasmas. The study of processes occurring in such systems is important for understanding the fundamental properties of plasma, the unexplained heating of the solar/stellar atmospheres, acceleration of the solar wind. The main areas of my research are
- Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities in compressible flows, nonlinear evolution of the instabilities;
- The dynamics of the solar atmosphere, numerical modelling of solar transients in coronal loops, synthesis of observables;
- Excitation and damping mechanisms of MHD waves in solar magnetic structures.