Aberystwyth Prof gains top fellowship

Professor Charles Musselwhite
09 September 2024
An Aberystwyth University professor has received an esteemed fellowship from the Academy of Social Sciences.
Professor Charles Musselwhite, Head of the University’s Psychology Department, has been elected to the prestigious institution for his substantial contribution to social science.
An expert in transport and ageing, including the safety of older drivers and the importance of older people’s mobility, he is co-director of the Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research, the Transport and Health Integrated Research Network as well as Aberystwyth University’s Centre for Transport and Mobility.
Professor Musselwhite from Aberystwyth University said:
“I’m so delighted to have been awarded this special fellowship. For me, this honour is recognition of the growing excellence in research by the whole team here in Aberystwyth. I’m pleased to be part of a university that’s leading on so much world-class research and innovation.”
Will Hutton FAcSS, President of the Academy of Social Sciences, said:
“It’s a pleasure to welcome these 45 leading social scientists to the Academy’s Fellowship. Their substantial contributions to social science and wider society have furthered our understanding of the social and environmental factors related to population health, changing cultures of inequality, children and young people’s experiences of gaming and gambling, the importance of diversity and inclusion in organisations, and how businesses can contribute to the sustainable development goals, amongst many others. We look forward to working with them to further promote the important role the social sciences play in our daily lives.”
The Academy of Social Science’s Fellowship comprises 1,600 leading social scientists from academia, the public, private and third sectors. The Fellows’ expertise covers the breadth of the social sciences, and their practice and research addresses some of the major challenges facing communities, society, places and economies.