Aberystwyth University and Ceredigion County Council join forces to research the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

Aberystwyth University
27 April 2021
Researchers at Aberystwyth University are calling on businesses and residents in Ceredigion to contribute to a study into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the county.
Organised by Aberystwyth Business School, the researchers are looking at the effects on both households and businesses, and for evidence specifically linking vulnerability, poverty, and population dynamics to the pandemic.
Supported by Ceredigion County Council, the study features two online surveys, one for businesses and the other for householders, which are running until Monday 7 June 2021.
Further details of the study are available on the Ceredigion County Council website.
The business survey is online here and the household survey is available here.
The findings will help to assess the impacts and inform policy-making in the short to long term in Ceredigion to aid the recovery process.
UK-wide studies on the pandemic have been designed to be representative at a country level but not at a local level. This unique study will focus specifically on the impact within Ceredigion.
The project is being led by Dr Aloysius Igboekwu, Director of Postgraduate Studies at Aberystwyth Business School, who said:
“Businesses and households in Ceredigion have been affected by the pandemic in many ways, and we are seeking to gain an in-depth understanding of the unique challenges the local economy and local people face. Our research aims to conclude with recommendations on how local policy makers can alleviate the adverse effects of the pandemic and influence wider policy on critical areas such as poverty, sustainability, and resilience.”
Russell Hughes-Pickering, the Corporate Lead Officer for Economy & Regeneration at Ceredigion County Council said:
“We are delighted to be supporting colleagues at Aberystwyth University in conducting this important research. It will provide us all with valuable knowledge and an in-depth understanding of how residents and businesses alike have been affected, and how best to support the recovery phase over the longer term. We would encourage everyone to have their say and take part in the survey, whether as a householder or a business.”
Analysis of the data will take place during the summer and publication of the final report is expected in late summer or autumn 2021.
The team at Aberystwyth Business School working on the study are Dr Aloysius Igboekwu, Dr Maria Plotnikova, and Dr Sarah Lindop.