University confirms graduation ceremonies to be postponed until 2022

29 March 2021
Aberystwyth University has confirmed that it is postponing its graduation ceremonies until next year because of the COVID-19 situation.
Like other major events planned for the summer, the University has had to change its graduation plans as a result of the pandemic restrictions.
Instead of holding its formal graduation ceremonies in July this year as normal, the University says it aims to hold them for 2020 and 2021 graduates next year instead.
Professor Tim Woods, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Learning, Teaching and Student Experience commented:
“It is expected that significant COVID-19 restrictions will continue in Wales for some time to come.
“In 2020 we made the hard, but necessary, decision to postpone our traditional graduation ceremonies in light of the developing Coronavirus pandemic. Given the ongoing pandemic and continuing restrictions this year, we find ourselves in a similar position and have taken the difficult decision to postpone our traditional graduation ceremonies this summer.
“We recognise that this decision will be disappointing to many, not least our students, graduates and the wider local community. We do hope to be able to resume our traditional ceremonies in 2022, the year we celebrate the University’s 150th anniversary.
“Our intention is that students who have not been able to attend ceremonies in 2020 and 2021 will be invited back to join us for a traditional ceremony in 2022.”
Professor Woods added: “For this year, we are discussing other ways to mark our students’ collective academic achievements over the summer months and we will let students know of these as they develop.
“All graduating students deserve recognition of their achievements, particularly given the unprecedented challenges posed by the global pandemic. As ever, we are grateful to everyone for their ongoing understanding and support as we all adapt to what are very trying circumstances for us all.”