Aberystwyth University announces accommodation refunds
Professor Tim Woods
12 January 2021
Aberystwyth University has announced that it will offer accommodation fee refunds to students who have not returned to their university-owned accommodation in the town this year while teaching is solely online because of the pandemic.
The announcement follows Welsh Government advice to students last Friday afternoon asking students to remain at home.
Tim Woods, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning, Teaching and Student Experience at Aberystwyth University said:
“The change in Welsh Government guidance on Friday 8 January means that many of our students will not be taking up residence in University accommodation for the time being.
“With this in mind, the University has decided that any student who is not using their University accommodation, due to the guidance to stay at home, can get a refund of 100% of their fee for every week they are not using their accommodation.
“This will apply from Monday 4 January this year up until the date they are permitted to return.”
Nate Pidcock, President of Aberystwyth Students’ Union, added:
“At AberSU, we are delighted to see the decision to refund students on their accommodation whilst not being used. We understand that the university has had to respond to government advice at the last minute. Students have been negatively impacted throughout the pandemic and it is brilliant to see that the university is listening to students feedback”